Chapter Five

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I laid on my soft bed, my mind racing, what if Abby was right, what if the only way for us to get through this is if we figure out who killed her, I crossed my arms over my warm stomach so they would touch. Then a slight buzzing sound came from my phone, it turned on with a light from the message someone just sent. I picked up my cold phone and saw that Abby had just sent me a video. I unlocked the video and clicked the video and waited for it to play. My whole body was in disbelief at what I just saw, it was a video from the party, just right before the girl died, Nick and the girl were in an argument, did Nick do it, did Nick kill her? Mabey that was why he was being so different, and he looked guilty because he killed her. I didn't want to believe it, Nick seemed so nice, but then again Tamyson did warn me about Nick, I should have listened to him.

 And then Abby sent me another message 'Party at Adam's house in thirty' I can't believe she seriously wanted me to go to a party after what happened the other night, but I had to talk to her after the video. I looked at the time and realized it was past my mom's bedtime so I knew that if I wanted to go I would have to sneak out. Dang it Abby. I got off of my fluffy bed leaving it a wrinkled mess from my body before walking to the window while trying not to make any sound. I put my hand on the door and opened it lightly trying not to wake my mom up, then I went through it and shut it leaving it unlocked.

 The wind was frosty and my hair was blowing in the wind, it was peaceful up here. I sat on my roof for a little bit looking at everything. There were millions of shiny yellow stars in the sky, you could see the town from up here, it looked so small. I finally jumped down after a few minutes of enjoying the view. My ankle landed wrong on the floor, it stung for a few good minutes as I quietly screamed to myself for a little bit, god I hate when this happens. Part of me feels bad for sneaking out, it's the last thing my mom deserves, to wake up, find out her kid isn't in her room, and start worrying. I collected my thought as I continued down the dark cold street, the only source of light was the lamps on both sides of the sidewalk. I'm so glad I always carry mace anywhere I go. 

I should've thought about my source of transportation, ii should've asked Tamyson for a ride, or forced Abby to give me one in her blue truck for making me walk in the dark like this. I am so glad I only live down the street from Adams's house. The minute I reached the house it was a huge two-story white house, with a white-picked fence around it. There was loud Niki Minaj music playing from inside the house, doors were open, there were people everywhere making out and drinking on the front lawn, it kind of gave me anxiety.. just a bit. I took a deep breath before going up to the door and going inside, it wasn't any better. Sweaty-bodied we were everywhere dancing next to each other, it was really hot in the house from all of the bodies, and it stunk so badly in that house, my nose didn't want to smell it anymore. I didn't even have the slightest idea of where to go, I didn't know where she would be, and I didn't know her that well, but she seemed like the type to be where the drinks are. 

I prayed and hoped that the drinks would be in the kitchen, so I tried my best to find the kitchen, or anyone I recognized at least. I made my way through hot dancing bodies getting their sweat all over me it was disgusting, and I never wanted to come back to a party ever again, I was happy being a lone wolf and not sneaking out, I felt like a teen from a book, I don't wanna be one of those and I don't want to be keeping secrets from my mom. I through the left hallway that led to thank god the kitchen and there  Ben was standing on the kitchen counter with a red silicone cup in his cup drinking god knows what.


I shouted to him from in between all of the bodies it was awful,

"Ben to your rescue"

he laughed as he put his cup down and ran straight through the bodies not caring about them or anything, he grabbed my arm and pulled me out of clump of hot and sweaty bodies and taking me to the counter.

"my hero"

I smiled at him as he picked up his red  up.

"please tell me Abby is here?"

I asked him as he picked up a cold bottle of water from the ice box and handed it to me, I'm so glad he doesn't remember I drink,

"she's in the restroom, she'll be out soon"

thank god I didn't come all this way for nothing. Ben was such a good friend, then he began to daze out.

"what are you looking a-" 

I started to say but then following his gaze to see Dillan in the other corner of the house alone


I said in a mocking tone

"ohh nothing"

he tried to ignore it but I knew he was into him, it was obvious

"talk to him"

 I said before i took a sip of the cold refreshing water, it was humid in here

"he's a jock, he's not gay remember"

I can't believe he just quoted me, I've never been more proud of him in my whole life,

"A, I was just being a jerk, and B you never know unless you ask him right?"

"liquids courage"

he took a sip of his drink, he set it down, then he walked over to Dillan. Tonight is just a night of being proud of Ben and all of his works. He was actually talking to him, and Dillan was laughing, like not even little laughs either like big laughs., like he was enjoying they're talk. Omg did Ben just punch his shoulder, they're totally flirting. 

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