Chapter Twenty-Three

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I sped walk to the school door and went through it going inside

"Hey stranger"

a familiar voice called from the other side of the door. I turned to the right of me, Tamyson was standing there in without crutches, without anything

I said with now a huge smile on my lips

"yea well I wanted to surprise you"

 I was happy that he was in school that without thinking I pulled him in for the biggest hug. He was surprised at first but then he wrapped his arms around my waist. He smelt good, like cologne, but he always smelt good which was one of his many qualities. When we pulled away he had a nervous look on his face, it was kind of cute seeing him nervous.

"I wanna take you on a date tonight"

he finally said, making me melt and get butterflies in my stomach

"like a real date"

he continued, I can't believe it's really been almost a year since we all met, crazy.

"I would like that"

I smiled with glee, the minute I said that all of the nervousness and anxiety faded from him.


he said with a big cute smile.

"hey man you're back"

Dillan said putting his hands around Tamyson's shoulders.

"yea man"

he said doing a weird bro handshake thing that I will never understand. After doing this handshake Dillan barley noticed me

"did I cock block you?"

he asked jokingly making fun of him

"I'll leave you both to your erections"

I told the boys returning Dillan's vibe and just waking away

"really dude?

Tamyon asked Dillan as I walked away, I couldn't help but smile as I walked away. I can't believe he finally had the guts to ask me out, after almost a year. I walked to my first period, which now was thank god History with Nick and Jing. I walked into the front door, today everyone was everywhere, no on were in there seats yet. I scanned the room with my eyes until I finally found Nick and Jing in the right corner of the room.


Jing smiled at me as I walked over to them


I returned her smile and finally reached them.

"well well well, your 5 minutes late"

Nick joked

"yea sure"


the teacher yelled at us startling us

"sit down"

she said frantic and already turning red. It was to early for her face to turn red. Me and my friend's ran to take our seats. The teacher really messed up putting Nick, Jing, and I in the same class together, were not gonna pay attention for shit. The rest of the class went by fast, it was  basically just us goofing off, or getting serious and talking about Nova. The lunch bell rang and we all got up out of our seta

"who do you think sent the envelope last week?"

Jing whispered to us

"what envelope?'

Shit I completely  forgot to tell Nick, I had been so focused on Tamyson that I forget about him.

"last week Ben got an envelope, and in the envelope were just a bunch of pictures of all of us, but not like picture day like photos of us doing stuff, unaware of anything" 

Nick made a creped out face

"in the envelope, on the end was notebook paper with big lettering saying 'I Did It'"

I continued talking for Jing

"that's not normal"

Nick said finally speaking

"I know"

You could practically see the goosebumps on Jing's body. We walked to the cafeteria and got in line.

"you still hate apples?"

Nick said making fun of something I said the first day we met

"cruel Nick"

I responded grabbling an red apple and making a haha face at him as I grabbed it

"wait what"

Jing looked at us with confusion on her face, then she grabbed a yellow pear and put it on her plate.

"when we first met, in this same line she said she hated apples"

Nick explained to her


She laughed at me

"leave me alone"
I responded simply as I grabbed a pepperoni pizza. Now I usually bring my lunch, but today was pizza day, so I didn't really care to bring lunch. Unlike other school food I actually like pizza, it's decent. Public school lunch is gross, and dry, I don't know why people let the school feed us this. It's jut plain gross. We all had our food, and we all scanned the room for the group thank god when we found them


Jing said pointing the the last table in the corner of the room to the left. We all walked over to the table without missing a beat and sat down.

"I have an idea"

Abby spoke now that we were all there.

"bring it on"

Nick said encouraging her idea. 

"we go to talk to David Green together after school and ask him about that night"

Me and Ben shared the same look

"look right now guys were kind of desperate"

she reminded us

"we only have two more suspects and that doesn't include us"

she whispered as she sat down

"but what if it's not either of them?"

Arabela asked didn't even realizing she just poked a nerve. She moved a green pea with her fork and smashed it until it was just green mush. Then she looked up and noticed we were looking at her

"what are you implying?"

Dillan looked at her until they eventually locked eyes. She shrugged at him in response.

"fine we'll go"
I interrupted anyone's chance to talk by responding to Abby. A huge smile formed on her lips


why did I just do that, honestly I don't know, part of me kind of wanted to figure out who killed her.

"look how long is this gonna take?"

Tamyson finally spoke after being quiet for the whole time

"why you got a date?"

she started laughing at her joke not even knowing that was exactly it. But when she noticed Tamyson wasn't making a face she stopped and went serious again

"oh my god you guys have a date"

she said looking back and forth between me and him. God I hated this feeling, I hate that she did this sometimes. Without thinking I got up out of my seat and walked out feeling uncomfortable

"I'm sorry"

she shouted at me but I just ignored her and continued to walk out.

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