Chapter Eleven

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"Hey, Dillan smiled sweetly as I passed him already in gear. It took him a few moments before he realized it was me

"Olora, I thought you couldn't come?"'

His lips turned into a smile, 

"That's what I told him, I wanted to surprise him"

"well he's definitely gonna be surprised, and he's inside the boy's locker room, he's the last one in there"

he pointed at the white-painted building behind him labeled boy's locker room.

"thank you"

We both smiled at each other as we walked to our separate directions,

"hey Dillan"

I yelled at him before he walked away fully. He turned around to face me

"good luck Dillan"

"thank you"

He put up both thumbs on each hands, and then walked away with a smile on his face. I turned to face the blue metal door. Let's do this Olora. I put my hand on the push door and opened it, slowly and quietly trying not to make any noise. The boys locker room reeked, but I wasn't focused on that. My main priority was to find Tamyson without he seeing me first. The room was quiet, and humid. There were lockers all in the middle pf the room some open, some not. I walked around one of the lockers and there he was, putting his last shoulder padding on. He didn't see me yet thank god. I was admiring him from afar, his brown hair, and abs. Dear god what did I get myself into. 


I finally spoked coming from out of the side of the lockers. He was startled at first, but when he noticed me his face went to a smile.

"I thought you didn't want to come huh?"

he leaned on the locker with his arm trying to be cool.

"yea but then I decided that if I don't come you'd probably lost without me on the bleachers"

I laughed at him,


he said in now a serious tone, no longer joking. Which made me smile like crazy.

"well good luck on the field"

"I already have it, on the bleachers watching me"

oh my god, oh my god. My heart was beating a million miles per minute, and my cheeks were obviously turning red. all I could do was put up my thumb, so lost and confused when this happened to me. He chuckled at my antics. Then I left, unable to be there any longer, my cheeks would probably turn even more red if I stayed any longer. What was wrong with me? was I really thig gullible to fall for a football player?  I walked over to the bleachers trying to find Abby and Ben. It was hard, surprisingly there was a lot of people everywhere. I never expected it to be this packed. People must really like high school football, it was crazy. It was kind of giving me anxiety, some much people everywhere. They're was food stand's everywhere. Drinks stands all around. 

It was all a lot, I can't believe Tamyson had turned me into the type of person who goes to football games, he turned me into Abby and Ben.  They're was tons and tons of people all over the bleachers it was crazy. People were shouting loudly, some even had school shirts on, while other had face makeup of our school colors. Even kids who didn't go to my school were they're. Most girls looked thirsty with there bootie shorts, like gross. I went over to the first set of bleachers trying to find them on that set. I examined every single person on that set of bleachers, looking for Abby's red hair, hoping and praying. Sadly I didn't find them on that set. Why was I even here at this point. They were so many pretty girls at this event who are dying to get with a football player, then I'm

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