Chapter Twenty-Six

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I walked to my last class, I hated school, I hated everything except the fact that my next period was with Dillan, I was so happy I could do a 'happy snoopy dance'. Finally filled with anticipation, I finally reached the classroom.

"There you are Ben, I was starting to get worried"

the teacher low-key scolded me as I walked in


I said taking my usual seat next to Dillan.


he whispered smiled to me as I sat down


I said trying not to turn around or smile. I had to stay professional and serious, I couldn't smile or else the teacher would yell at us for what we were doing. Which was just not paying any attention in any of our classes. But then again I don't think any of us really pay attention in school, and why would we, I mean we have boy, and girls to worry about, oh and Nova, trying to figure out who killed her. I know I should be thinking about that right now but it was hard to think about it with Dillan behind me. It was the hardest thing I'd had to do. I spent all of my last period only thinking about Dillan and completely forgetting everything else, until class was over.

"worst class every,"

he leaned forward and kissed my cheek giving me butterflies and making my cheek turn red where he just kissed it. He got up out of his chair and walked around where I was. He leaned on the back of my desk while I put my stuff away


he looked like he was thinking, but I just didn't know what he was thinking about

"do you really think that Nova's dad did it?"

he asked looking down at me



he responded

"I don't know, but either way I still feel bad for her and what she went through, no person should ever have to go through an abusive father"

I felt bad for the girl just talking about it. And especially for Arabela, it was like she didn't even know who her real best friend was. Nova his so many secrets from her, Nova lied to her her whole life.

"I know"

he said sincerely. He had a look of sincerity on his face, but he was always like that, he always cared about everyone. Dillan wanted so badly to protect everyone around him.

"boys, out"

the teacher scolded us for still being their. Realizing what was going on I continued to put my stuff inside of my bag as fast as I could before the teacher could tell us again. finally I had put all of my stuff in my backpack and got out of my seat

"By Mrs."

I said as we walking out of her classroom

"bye Ben"

she said sweetly, But in reality she just wanted to get out of her classroom and go home like everybody else was. We walked to the front front of the school. Tamyson stood their waiting for Dillan, but he looked sad, it was weird I would of never thought that out of all people he would be sad, he had everything. I looked over to Dillan, he had that same sincere look on his face that he had on earlier

"you okay man?"

Dillan put his his hands around Tamyson's shoulder. By this time I was so confused.

"not really, all I could do all day is think about Olora"

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