Chapter One

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"Ken, Ken, KENDALL! Get out here and feed this baby!"

I had the closing shift so I didn't get off until late last night. You would think that she'd let me sleep in just one more hour before I had to get ready to start my day.

Nonetheless, I'm not gonna complain too much because this was the life I signed up for and will always be grateful for how much Aunt Pam has helped me out when my life seemed to take a turn for the worse.

Obviously, I don't feel the same now, but back then I didn't know what I was going to do. My situation didn't even make sense. Some would even say unethical.

However, Aunt Pam was there for me when all the chaos occurred. She gave me everything I needed and has been helping me stay on my feet ever since. She's taken on the mother role in a way.

After fighting with myself to get out of bed for another five minutes I threw the thin blanket off of my body and threw on some socks. I assume the heater hadn't been on for that long.

As I descended down the stairs I could hear the popping of the bacon that was frying in the pan and the sweet smell of freshly made french toast. The table was already set so I joined my son, Justice, who was sitting in his high chair and kicked and screamed very loudly due to my presence.

"Jay, you and your auntie louder than the trap music Marquis plays on Saturday nights. It's too early for this."

Not caring about my complaints he reached his small arms up for me to take him out. He hated being strapped in his chair when there was no food on his tray for him.

I didn't blame him either.

"You gotta stay in there baby, don't worry I'm about to feed you." I told him as I stood to start fixing him something to eat which consisted of eggs, a slice of french toast, and the bacon that was cooking. I made sure everything wasn't too hot before I sat back down to help him eat his food.

"Auntie, can you please fix him some juice?"

I didn't get a response from her but I did hear her begin to move behind me so I'm assuming she did it.

"Here you go stinka!" She said in her obnoxious baby voice as she squished his cheek and gave him his sippy cup.

I've asked her quite a few times to not talk in that tone. I read somewhere talking to baby's like your talking to a normal person helps them develop skills quicker or something.

Not only that her baby voice is annoying.

I decide not to bring it up again and proceed on feeding Justice until he's done.

"So, what're your plans for today?" She asks, starting to fix herself and I a plate.

"Going to go the Cafe and study for finals." "You meeting with old boy you always go with?" I didn't even have to look up to feel her side eye.

She's talking about Marquis. I met him in my biology class over the summer and we sorta just clicked. Auntie thinks that non-friendly conversations are going on, but that's not true at all. He has been nothing but understanding and nice.

Even when I lied to him and told him that Justice was my little brother.

Somehow he knew that wasn't the truth and I came clean about who he really was to me. He still doesn't know the full truth yet because who can explain how I had a whole baby without it sounding completely crazy?

"Yeah I'm meeting with him. He also offered to take Justice to the Children's museum after-" "Mhm."

Classic auntie behavior.

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