Chapter Fifteen

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"I'm so sorry I couldn't make it in time for the party."

Aunt Pam was in town visiting. Something happened with her plane so she wasn't able to be here for Justice's birthday. But, it's ok because she's here now.

I really missed having her around every day.

Having her here and seeing her interactions also remind me of how different my life has changed just over the course of a few months. I wished she stayed here with us so she could have seen my growth rather than just speaking to her over the phone about how things have been.

"I wished you would stop apologizing auntie, it's totally fine."

She felt really bad about it since Justice had been with her since the beginning of his life. So missing a birthday was a little more emotional for her. I didn't care that much but she promised that she would make it up to me however I wanted.

I ended up begging her to make me a sweet potato pie, which was one of my favorite holiday desserts. She agreed of course.

"I just can't believe how big he is. He had a huge growth spurt."

He did honestly, he was no longer small enough to for me to comfortably cradle him in my arms.

I almost teared up the day that I found out. I still try to so he would cuddle me, but most of the time he'll just jump out of my arms.

It's not that surprising by how quickly he was going. Nehemiah is really tall so it only makes sense.

"Just give it a few more days. I'm sure he'll grow another two inches before you leave."

"No, he can't. I'll be here every weekend if he does!" She said excitedly, picking Justice up as she held him in the air. It made him really excited.

Aunt Pam continued to spend every second with Justice for the rest of the day. She did everything he wanted to do, truly showing that she really missed him. Not that I didn't believe her when she said it, but to see it was nice.

My mom joined the three of us sometime later after waking up from her afternoon nap. "Hey y'all." She greeted, joining in on the fun that Justice and aunt pam had been having.

Knowing that Justice would be occupied with them for a while, I headed upstairs to my room to get some rest myself. I had plans tonight and didn't want to be too tired to go.

I was sort of tired of seeing my room honestly, I needed a refresh but my room has been changed so much I don't think a little redecorating would be enough for me.

I wanted to move out soon, get a place that would be comfortable for me and Justice. I think it was time to have my own space. But the downside of that was being distant from all the help I have at home.

I didn't want to move any more than fifteen minutes away, but being able to just leave Jay here or simply walk down the street would be easier than having to drive to drop him off.

My parents aren't rushing me and I shouldn't rush myself. I just need to take my time.

I relaxed in my bed trying to fall into a deep sleep, but was failing. I usually didn't take naps so my body wasn't used to it and wouldn't allow me go to sleep at this time.

Seeing as though I wouldn't be able to fall asleep anytime soon I decided to call Nehemiah since I hadn't spoken to him today.


I could tell he wasn't at home based on the noise, but seeing that he had his apple airpods max's on I knew he was at the gym.

"Oh, I can call you back."

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