Chapter Eighteen

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"Do you know how long I had to wait in the line just to get these for you? In the heat, sweating my pretty face off just to bring you this glorious snack we know as Cheetos. I may love you, but you owe auntie T big time," Tami complained to Justice as she sat next to us.

She just game back from the concession stand to grab a bag of chips for Jay.

"You volunteered to do it. I told you I would be back, but you insisted so I let. Therefore, he does not owe you anything." I said, opening up the bag for him.

"He's just as responsible as anyone else that would owe me money. Which in total would be $1.75."

"He doesn't have money, but he can give you some wipes instead." I joked.

"I may use wipes to clean the booth hole sometimes, but that isn't sufficient enough. I want my money and you got a week to give it to me. If you don't, there will be consequences."

She stuck her hand in her jacket, positioning her hand as if she had a gun in it, and held it against his side.

"Tami are you serious," I moved her hand away as she shrugged it off.

"My kid doesn't need you threatening him nor does he need to know what guns are!"

"Tell that to his daddy who plays Call Of Duty in front of him before you come for me, kay? You messing up my business with shorty right here."

"You will not conduct business with a two-year-old over a bag of Cheetos. You don't owe her anything Jay and he never will."

"Actually I do need some form of repayment. I have a project for my photography class and was hoping Justice would be the perfect model. Can I use him?"

Tami was really into photography. In her free time, you could always catch that girl editing the various pictures she took around the city. She was really good too and had a natural talent. Everywhere we went she had some type of camera in her hand. Whether it was a disposable, digital, polaroid, or even her phone.

She was most busy taking photos for everyone at social gatherings. She had a separate Instagram page for her work and it gets a lot of attention so it's no surprise she gets stopped to take a few flicks at these social events. She never minds though. Always, says yes with a quickness.

"Yeah sure, he's all yours whenever you need him. Just let me know when though, Nehemiah has made a busy schedule for us over the break. Not sure we'll have time to do everything, but he's determined to get a lot of it done."

Spring break came way faster than I could have ever anticipated, I was excited about everything that Nehemiah had planned for us, but I knew that I'd probably be worn out as well. It'll be worth it though because I knew it would be a fun week.

Speaking of him, I saw as he left the dugout seemed as if he was in a rush to go somewhere. After a while, I realized he was making his way toward us so I grabbed Justice to help him as we walked down the stands together.

Once Justice saw where I was taking him, he let go of my hand and ran as fast as his little legs would let him to Nehemiah.

My heart melted when Nehemiah picked him up and laid a kiss on his cheek. I just love them so much.

"Aren't you still supposed to be warming up?" I asked him once I was close enough.

"Yeah, but I wanted to see him before the game. Been on a winning streak ever since he came to my first game. He must be my good luck charm." Nehemiah smiled, tickling Jay in his arms.

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