1 - Confrontation

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1 - Candice Pov

I left my bosses office after I saw how angry he seemed to be at that phone call. I know it's not a good idea to be around that man when he's angry, he's already bad enough when he isn't. Rumor has it that, that's how his last PA got fired. Just for standing at the wrong place at the wrong time. I'm not trying to be like her. But bare in mind I did hear this news from Renee. Renee is my crazy best friend who happened to be the one who told me about this job. She is just so dramatic, she loves to exaggerate everything but I love her to death. She's always sprinkling salt, pepper and jerk seasoning on her stories though. Especially those stories about her ex, who is 'bae for life' one day and the worst man in the world the day after. Sips tea. I keep telling her to leave him, but somehow she can't help it. Those are her words not mine. All I can do now is be there for her because I can't keep repeating the same thing. I sat down at my desk and started to organise some paperwork.

"You better spill that tea" I heard an excited voice say in a hushed tone.

I looked up to see Renee with a raised eyebrow, standing in front of my desk.

I scrunched my face back at her in confusion "What?" I spoke quietly as this is a shared office and people are too nosy sometimes.

"First of all, that is not a good look on you" she chuckled lightly as she sat down on the other side of my desk.

Oh no she didn't! I gave her a mean glare but she ignored it.

"And second of all, do you think I don't know what's going on?" She questioned me flipping her 28-inch straight Brazilian weave off her right shoulder. I know how long it is because I went with her to get it done and she's been flipping it around ever since. She definitely has the 'I just got my hair done' syndrome. It looks good though.

"What is it you think is going on?" I continued to look at the papers.

"Are you serious right now? You've been in Samuels office five thousand and one times this morning girl."

"And? I'm his PA" I stated the obvious.

"So what bitch? I'm Daniel's PA, you don't see me having to get up every two seconds."

"You know how Samuel gets, he's just being extra this morning" I said dismissing the look we shared before his phone rang.

Renee studied my face before coming up with her own conclusion. Once this girl had an idea in her head there's nothing you could do to get it out.

"There's something going on between you two." She whispered like it was the worlds biggest secret.

I opened my mouth to protest.

"Don't think I didn't catch that look on your face when you left his office just now girl. I see you"

I stayed silent for a second because I knew I'd never hear the end of this.

How the hell did she manage to see that? Didn't she have work to do?

I sighed. "Nothings going on. You know I keep things professional. In fact, I've got work to do Renee" I said hinting at her to leave so I could get on with it.

"Hm hmmm" she gave me a knowing look as she stood up "we will definitely be talking about this at break"

'We definitely won't be' I thought as she headed towards her own desk.

Besides, there's nothing to talk about. I can't pretend there wasn't a moment but work is work and my boss is my boss.

'A good looking boss' the devil in me pointed out.

My mind started to wonder. I starting thinking about the way he looked at me. I've never been the type to mix business with pleasure. Or even think about it. I know women in this office wouldn't even think twice if they had the opportunity. He is a good-looking man after all. A very, very good-looking man. And there's something about the power he has. The base in his voice. His chocolate skin and his ha-

'Girl, get yourself together' I told scolded myself.

But then I realized its not my fault. It's his. Even Renee picked up on how much he had been calling me into his office. What was he thinking looking at me like that? He knew exactly what he was doing. I put up with him snapping, and his orders without no please or thank yous. And that's all fine because I'm getting paid at the end of the day. But if he thinks that I'll sleep with him just because I may have hinted at getting a bonus, then he must be out of his mind. Does he think I'm a modern day prostitute or something? He's got the wrong one! I need to confront him before this goes any further. But the proper way. I still want my cheque at the same time. I got up in a rush, storming into his office.

Deep down I knew I was over reacting but if Renee was thinking that and she's my friend that knows me, then what would the rest of the office think? And in this work place those people's opinions matter. These are the people I have to communicate with.

"Samuel" I cleared my throat.

"I came to say I saw the way you looked at me earlier"

A/N Do you think Candice is right to confront him? I mean she is a dignified lady after all.

Mixing Business with Pleasure (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now