5 - Waiting

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Dedication to jeraamor for those behind the scenes talks.

Chapter 5 - Simone's Pov

I woke up to the sound of silence. It's been four months since I woke up to seeing Samuel laying next to me but I'm still not used to how quiet it is without hearing him snore. I know I fucked up but that was a long time ago and...
"I didn't think he would leave us alone" I said out loud as I put my right hand over my rounded stomach.
"He will come back when he knows you're his" I spoke to the baby inside of me but I was trying to reassure myself.
This wasn't the plan.

I rubbed the sleep out my eyes before sitting up and reaching out for an already rolled up blunt. I know I shouldn't be smoking in my condition but I need something to take the edge off. Shit, I just need to feel like myself old again. Them days when I didn't have to worry about anyone but myself.

I was born in London. It was rough where I grew up although everyone seems to think people in England live in Buckingham Palace. When you don't have money you got to find a way to make it. I used my looks. Many men brought me things but the man that changed my life was Trae. I met him when I was working at a private strip club in London. Private means no regular people are allowed in. If you don't have money or solid connections then access denied. In fact it's likely you won't even know the place exists.

Trae was a connect, who took a liking to me. I liked him because he wasn't to harsh to my eyes. He was fat but he wasn't too old. Plus he was the first American that didn't chat too much when I was providing my services. The others didn't know when to shut up.

One night whilst I was taking my bra off, during a personal lap dance, Trae stopped me from going any further. He looked me and up and down and told me saw my potential. He had an offer for me but Id have to leave my old life behind. My life wasn't a fairytale, and unlike stupid people in this world Id never say no to a good opportunity.
People sometimes say no to things that come their way because they are too busy being scared or thinking about other people. Them same people that wouldn't think of you. Fuck that. When I found out I was going to get dollar signs, I left London for good. I left on that same night after my shift was up, without saying bye to anyone. Fuck do I look like, wasting time.

Trae treated me like an investment. I got those injections and my bra size moved up a few sizes. I already looked good but he made me look prefect. He showed me the life of luxury on a bigger scale. America was full of opportunity with men that had deeper pockets.

Trae would connect me with the men and I would do my best to entice them. Apparently these were the big boys in the game. When you think of the big boys in the game you think of men that are out on corners. Or the men that are known drug dealers in the hood. But it's never them. There's two types of men that can be described as the big boys. You got the ones that aren't even known, and the ones that are in disguise as big business owners when really their company is just a cover up. These are the people on control of the world. Well, my world... Because that's where I got my money.

Trae would be able to get me into the major corporate events where I would meet the men I was supposed to get close to.
Sometimes that person would mysteriously die but either way I was happy because I got taken out, and brought designer clothes and the shiny stuff. I don't know how it worked and I didn't ask no questions. Does anyone ask the story of the dead meat on their plates? Hell no. We just enjoy the food.

At one of these events I met Samuel. We got close. I was still seeing other men as Trae and I benefitted. Besides that was the original agreement. I was surprised that Samuel got so sprung so fast. It'd been about a year but I wasn't even seeing him as much as some of the other men. In fact at first I laughed about it. I was chilling at Trae's house, bragging about how I got the new guy hooked. I told him Samuel Peters told me he would marry me one day and he laughed. I felt his big belly move with laugher as I lay on top of him in his bed. There was no way I was going to tie myself down. But I was flattered, most of the men had wife's already and I was just the side piece.
"Damn. You're getting too good at this" I remembered Trae saying.
At least I thought I was.

Somewhere along the way I started catching feelings. I started to think of what it would be like to be married. The life Samuel was talking about having with me started to sound better than what Trae and been offering. Shit, Samuel had money. Plus he was attractive enough for me to love him.

Trae was getting complacent but I convinced him that nothing had really changed. I could still play the game. Besides Samuel was at work most of the time anyway and I stayed far away from that part of his life. I was only really interested in the fancy side of things.

Everything changed when I found out I was pregnant. I saw a different side to Trae. He cut me off like I was disposable and gave all my shit to other girls. That didn't really affect me because I had everything I needed. I told Samuel the news and he decided we should do the right thing and make it official, for real this time. I met his family before we got married. They didn't like me, and I didn't like them but we kept it civil. His brother, I think his name was David or Daniel, was the worst. He looked at me like he could see right though me and told Samuel to be careful.

I raised the blunt to my lips inhaling deeply. These thoughts were spoiling my high... Things were going good with Samuel for about a month before everything started going wrong. I guess Samuel listened to his brothers advice as he started to pay attention to detail. He asked me questions about myself I couldn't answer. Of course I had my story that I told everyone but for him something didn't seem to add up.

He confronted me. I'm guessing he knew someone who knew Trae because he knew everything about who I used to be. I tried to be honest with him. Told him Id changed but he just sat there with a look on his face I didn't recognise. I went to touch his arm, but he told me to keep my hands to myself. I tried to reason with him, reminding him of our baby. But he made it clear he would need tests to be done. He has divorce papers laid out on the table but I refused to sign.

He got up in my face that night. Id never seen Samuel mad a day in my life before then. He told me not to fuck with him. I insisted that I wasn't. I kept mentioning his baby, and added a few tears, which made me thankful I didn't get an abortion. Because he left me alone.

He left. I expected him to come back to talk it out but he didn't. I thought I'd be happy because in reality I'm winning. I've got money. What is his is mine. I've got the clothes, the diamonds, the car, the big house. A part of me is happy with that, but a bigger part of me misses him.

The same part that wants him to love me how he did before because this big house feels so empty without him in it. I blame the hormones for why I keep calling his phone. At first he didn't even answer. Then when he did the cold person I saw on that night was talking to me, not the Samuel I knew before.

Sometimes I spend the whole day crying. I think about what kind of person I was and how I'm getting what I deserve. All those men who's hearts I broke whilst I was chasing the dollar sign, must have felt as bad as I feel right now. But then there's other days like this, when I decide to get high and smoke my troubles away. All I need to do is wait until this baby is born.
'Just four more months' I thought to myself as I felt myself get a little lighter.

A/N So we've met Simone... A gold digger that found herself a good man. I will fill in the gaps of how Samuel found out and started feeling Candice in the chapters coming up. But Simone is on the sidelines waiting. Lard, what has Candice got herself into?

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