22 - Tempted

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Chapter 22 - Tempted
Song listened to whilst writing / what Candice hears at the end of Chapter
Candice Pov

I was tempted. Tempted to forget about the anger I felt for Samuel. To try and forget the fact he has a wife, who is carrying a baby that may or may not be his. Tempted to forget Samuel failed to tell me despite seeing the reasons why. I saw a side to him, I've never seen. I don't think he knows I noticed, but I saw him when he was about to cry. His golden eyes looked shiny as he exposed how he truly felt, about the situation he's in. I understand that he was trying to avoid it all, but life doesn't work like that. It wouldn't be fair to the baby if it's his, and it wasn't fair to me - not to let me know even if there was a chance that it wasn't.

Ironically I'm glad he forced me to listen to him. His story, helped heal my broken heart. It's weird to think that my heart was broken, by a man that I'd spent such a limited time with, but I know deep down that's the truth. We have a weird, special connection that bonds us together. And what he's always wanted, is what I want - someone to love me, and I love them back. I can't help but find his honesty attractive, the way he puts himself out there makes me want to melt. I can't find but find him attractive. Even in the mist of my anger when he stood outside my door, and asked me if he could come inside, I felt the heat we usually have build between us. I felt a familiar tingling sensation overcome me as I thought about him cumming inside. I wanted him, but it was glazed over by me feeling that he was only in it for one thing. What he told me offered a different explanation. I watched a man who was once broken, shed light on a part of his life he wanted to put behind him. I may be stupid, or crazy or both but my heart wanted to believe him, so I did. I trusted everything that was coming out of his mouth - again. When he stood up to leave, a big part of me wanted to tell him to stay. I wanted to whisper the words 'Don't go' in his ear more than ever when he offered me a smile. His smile has the same effect as his smirk - what I really wanted to do is plant a kiss on him, but instead I smiled back and followed him to the door. I really did need some space to clear my mind. There's just been too much new information that's been thrust on me in one day, and I must analyse everything in my head again because when he's in the room, his energy consumes me. I don't think straight - logical thoughts go out of my head, and all I think about is him.

I thought I'd have to wait for Lala for a while longer, because this girl is always late, so late that when we meet up I tell her an hour earlier to make sure she gets there on time. So it was to my surprise when seconds after Samuel left I heard a knock at the door.

She didn't even say hello, "How did it go?" she asked staring at my face as if she was looking for signs as she stepped into my apartment.

She must have read the confusion painted on my face, "I saw him standing by your door, I was just waiting for him to leave, so" Lala placed her bag on the chair and instantly started making herself at home, "What did he say?" She stared up at me in hope.

"Well, the bad news is that that woman is his wife, but they are separated. He gave her the divorce papers and she wouldn't sign." I leaned on the wall behind me, whilst Lala sat down on the couch.

She raised her hands upwards and made hmm sound effect, encouraging me to continue. I knew she wanted to know why. Lala was the type to listen to everything properly before she gave her advice, "He found out that she was cheating on him, but not only that girl, she was basically a prostitute. She worked for a pimp."

"Bombaclart" Lala's eyes opened wide in shock before she composed herself, "Girl, I was not expecting that at all. So obviously he don't know if that baby is his"

I smiled at my girls response, before a frown overtook it "Exactly" I sighed, "but he's been trying to ignore the fact it could be his, which links to why he didn't tell me and why he hasn't even seen the woman since he found out she was hoeing around" I rubbed my forehead, trying to ensure there were no stress lines. I told her exactly how our conversation went down, his explanation, the emotion shown, and our moments in between.

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