11 - Secret

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Thank you girl

Chapter 11 - Secret

Candice Pov

Renee and I are sipping wine, back at her place, gossiping like a couple of high school girls about people at work - namely Sherron. There was a big staff meeting, where certain people were addressed. We were there to observe and take notes, though at some points it was hard not to laugh. This meeting was no joke or laughing matter, but it was so funny to see the look on Sherron's face when she got told about herself. Sherron was the type to act like she was the boss, whilst in reality she tried to push her work on to others. She was lazy and incompetent but she carried an attitude around, she literally acted like she's the best.

"She thought she was the shit, though girl. She's not the shit." Renee laughed, that infamous loud laugh, as she reached for her wine glass. "Now she knows she's just shit"

"Girl STOP it," I said, despite the fact I burst out laughing.

I felt a little bad for her. Sherron would never be able to live that embarrassment down. Everybody in the office was talking about it, even people that weren't on the top floor. She was precisely, one step away from being fired if she messed up again.

Renee screwed her face when she realised there was only a drop of red wine left. This was typical. She always drank alcohol like it was water.

"What in the hell?" Renee exclaimed as she continued to examine her glass. She was acting like the wine was going to magically re-appear.

"Do you want anything?" She shouted from the from the open plan kitchen, when she finally decided to get up. I watched her scan her fridge. She's so greedy, not that you would be able to tell by looking at her. Her figure is on point, despite her not coming with me to work out.

"Nah, I'm good," I yelled back, looking at what was already laid out on the table.

"Don't be stealing nothing of what I make when it's done... especially when you see it's looking good" she said quieter than before, in a harsh tone, but it was clear she was just playing.

She knew I always did that. I always wanted the food although I said no. Call it a bad habit. It wasn't my fault she always put something good together. That girl can throw it down in the kitchen. She always made me extra just in case anyway, despite her fronting.

"Girl, whatever" I replied, chuckling as my mind slipped back on to what I was going to wear on Saturday.

Samuel invited me to go out, but I have no idea where we are going. He said it was a surprise. I hate surprises. The thought of not knowing what is going to happen next, has never been appealing to me. But, I'm looking forward to Saturday. I'm looking forward to seeing him outside work. Well, I'm looking forward to seeing him tomorrow too. The schedule isn't as busy as today was. There's the meeting with Diamond Marketing where I'll get to see my baby be authoritative. Then, there's another staff meeting, which has the potential to create jokes for Renee and I again. And of course, I need to finish off the plan for that celebration party, the one for the new recruits. I'm sure both Samuel and Daniel Peters will like what I've come up with so far. This was a new challenge for me, and also an opportunity to step into the world of event planning. But somehow all I want is Samuel's approval. I want him to like it.

I've never really felt quite like his before. I'm a grown woman. Its not like I was a virgin. I've been in a few relationships and loved a few men. But I've never felt my heart thud so hard at the sight of someone. Or felt butterflies. A weird tingling sensation, that makes me feel slightly nervous. It has only been one night, but it feels like he's been my lover for a lifetime. When he looks at me with that smirk on his face, I just want to kiss it off. But I have to act normal.

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