32 - The Talk

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So sorry guys, and then wattpad wouldn't let me upload. Things even deleted

Simone Pov

At the sight of me - my dad fainted. His face looked so funny because it was like he was still kind of angry but shocked at the same time. His eyes bulged out, and his mouth was wide open but his eyebrows remained frowed. At first my mum and I didn't even react to his presence. We only let go of each other, when we heard him land on the floor with a big loud thud.

I never would have thought my first visit home, would have ended up at the hospital. At first we both panicked. He had remained unconscious for more than a minute - I was sure, and he was over the age of 50 which was alarm bells in my head because of the adverts I remember watching in the past.And, that thud sounded lethal. Though he is a grumpy bastard, I was worried.

I just wanted him to be okay. Mum tried to keep me calm, she kept repeating stress isn't good for the baby. We sat with dad for a while. He had woken up, but he had gone back to sleep rather quickly - before he even had the chance to say much. I think it was the painkillers they gave him for his pain. The fall had gotten his back pretty bad. But because the focus had been shifted onto dad, and me worrying about dad - mum hadn't spoken much to me about where I've been. She smiled an awful lot, and said how glad she was to see me again but the conversation never got too deep.

I was glad for that, though I know that talk is going to have to be had one day - probably the sooner the better. I also want to see if she's genuinely happy, and with dad out of the picture at the hospital resting, we will have the chance to have a proper talk at some point. Right now, I've just got thoughts flooding in his head about how I'm going to explain everything to her. How does somebody speak to their mother after four years of not seeing them? She's been so nice it makes me feel even more consumed in guilt. She even made me her infamous Victoria sponge cake to make me feel better. I felt worse at every mouthful. She kept saying she doesn't want me to feel bad, and that it's not my fault. But it is, it's all my fault.

I owe it to her to open up and tell her, I'm just happy she still loves me. I never really thought she loved me this much. I know it sounds stupid because she's my mum and she's always tried her very best but, I don't know she just seemed more disappointed in me than anything else that I didn't 'fulfil my potential'. But now I'm here she seems so glad, and I really am starting to see that my recent dream of me starting again could be reality. She hasn't mentioned the baby yet, but it's obvious she's seen the bulge and she's still accepted me. I've not received any looks of disappointment.

I heard a loud bang on the door which made me pause, startled. Who could that be? I don't know anybody here. Oh my God, what if the guy from the airport followed me here or whoever sent that guy? Trae? I wasn't sure if I should ignore it or not, until I heard my mothers voice. She was shouting my name, and I'd recognise her voice from anywhere. She was in the cab when I got dropped off here on the way back from the hospital yesterday, so of course she saw where I live. Who else would it be? I told myself off for worrying like an idiot.

"Coming" I shouted loudly, reverting me back to my childhood days when I used to yell back to my mum from up in my room.

I finally made it to the door, to see my beautiful mother standing in front of me, in a large black fur coat. Her smile made me smile, though I was internally really nervous to have 'the talk'. Although I knew everything needs to be aired out and that it would be better sooner than later, I was scared to have this conversation - scared to be fully alone with her.

"Do you want you want a cup of tea or-" I started saying after we'd greeted each other, only to interrupted.

"Don't be silly dear, do you want a cup of tea?" She replied softly, "You need to rest, why don't you go and sit down"

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