15 - Office Drama

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Chapter 15 - Office Drama

Renee Pov

Have you ever been in that mood where you're just on that high - cloud nine. I swear the sun even looked a little brighter to me this morning. Thank you Lord. And I look extra good this morning, I had to say Thank you Jesus. My reflection in the mirror just screamed: 'Yassssssssss Hunny Yasssssssss'

I was really feeling myself.

My hair is on point. Middle parting wasn't wonky. And the Brazilian, It just laid so flat. Plus, I straightened that weave until it was bone straight. My makeup is on point. Eyebrows on fleek. My new royal blue dress is on point. My red bottom pumps are on point. Okay. Basically, the whole of me - from my head to my toe - is on point.

Nobody can tell me nothing.

So I'm already on that high, looking good and feeling blessed. And then Monique called. She sounded stressed. At first my heart beat was going at a hundred miles a minute. I thought it was Sky. She was sniffling down the phone, like somebody died. But it turns out her and Kyle are having problems. I became a counsellor and told her to dry up those tears and be strong, although a part of me was wondering, doesn't this bitch have other friends she could call at 8:30 in the am? I might as well have been born blonde. I didn't even realise the connection. Of course being the extra conservative woman she is, she didn't want Sky to be in a 'negative environment' because of their arguments. Now I know they both probably haven't said a swear word a day in their life. Their fights wouldn't exactly be what you call toxic. They probably, if anything, just raised their voices a little. But I didn't interrupt her flow. She wanted to know if it was okay for Sky to stay with me until everything blows over, and how she just dropped her off to school.

Was it okay? I tried to contain my excitement. My little girl was going to live with me. Thank you Lord. She was crying, and now I was crying. But at least my tears were justified. I would never waste my tears on any man. The phone call between Monique and I meant I was late to work. Thankfully Daniel wasn't there yet. First thing I did was find myself in front of Candice's desk. Turns out I was rushing to share my good news with an empty chair. She was already in that Diamond meeting. I went back to my desk and started to doodle. I didn't really have anything to do. Besides I always pretended to look busy when I first came in. I'm not usually a morning person.

I was day dreaming about seeing Sky for about an hour, before Daniel called me into his office. I didn't even realise he came in. I was too busy thinking about what snacks I was going to buy and what I was going to cook for my daughter later on.

"Morning Renee, how're you doing?" Daniel asked before asking me what he wanted me to do. He's a nice enough boss, despite his status he always wants to know how his people are doing. We've always had a good working relationship.

"I'm very well thanks, and you?" I replied, switching up the way I normally speak. I said Daniel was cool, but I don't think he's that cool. I need to make sure I always come across as professional. He can't be seeing no other side to me.

"I'm good. There's going to be a lot going on today though. I'm going to need you to escort a few people in, to room 3.6, and update my schedule. I'll drop an email in a few minutes. Expect phone calls in the afternoon" He spoke quickly. He really was in a big rush. Normally he liked to talk longer.

"Yes sir" I smiled at him.

"You sure do look happy" Daniel said before I made my way out of his office "you're shining like some type of star. Whatever it is, make sure you apply that energy in talking to those people downstairs"

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