25 - Sorry

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A/N Chapter 26 has been made private, below I'll write the instructions so you don't miss out.

Renee Pov

"I made it yellow because that's the bestest color," Sky smiled revealing her gappy teeth whilst she showed the flower she drew.

We were sitting at my wooden table that was how full of coloring in pencils, markers and random pieces of paper. We had just gotten back from adventure land - a play centre where she met new little friends. She had already eaten, and I wanted her to do an activity for her to unwind - she has way too much energy.

I beamed at the picture, it had taken her a while to draw it. Her little tongue was pointed out the whole time she colored in concentration. There was one big flower with carefully drawn petals, grass, fluffy clouds and butterflies. "I really love your picture, it's really good! You need to teach your mommy how to draw like that"

"Thank you" she shouted. Sky really hasn't learnt to speak in her normal quiet voice when she was excited. I watched her face turn into a serious expression, "I can teach you but it's going to be very expensive"

I laughed, she is something else, "That's a big word, Sky where'd you learn that? But I still want to learn, so you tell me what you want for being a good teacher"

"Aunty Monique always says it's expensive anytime I ask for anything, so I'm going to want ALL that stuff." She put her hand on her chin, "like the doll with the car"

I knew straight away which dolls she was taking about. She was obsessed with collecting all the 'iriedolls', "Maybe I'll get it for you. How about this, if you do all your work well at school - I'll get it for you" I tapped her nose.

"Deal" she shouted, holding out her pinky finger. She was so clumsy with it though, pens dropped all over the floor, but I wasn't even mad. Sky being with me meant I couldn't help but be joyful. Her being here makes me forget about the madness going on in my life.

I made a pinky promise, "You should put that drawing in your room, in a safe place so it doesn't get ruined when you take it home"

"But I drew it for you Mommy" she pouted, which made me want to hug her so tight.

I was touched that she put so much effort into drawing it for me, so shocked that I didn't even speak straight away, "Thank you" I eventually cooed, "I'm going to put this in a frame"

"A frame?" Sky questioned loudly.

"Yep" I popped the P, "I'm going to hang this up on the wall" I said admiring the drawing again.

I was positioning the picture, when I heard Sky yelling that my phone was ringing. She rushed into the room holding it out to me, half dressed.
I smiled at how scruffy she looked, "Thank you, but go and get ready for bed. Don't try to get out of it"

She sighed dramatically before running out of the room, "yes mom"

"No running" I shouted partially out of concern because i don't want her bumping into anything and partially just to mess with her.

Everything came to a standstill when I looked at the caller ID. Candice.

I wasn't even sure if I should answer at first. This weekend with Sky, helped me not think of how stupid I was. I can't believe I slipped up like that. Like what the fuck possessed me? All this time I managed to stifle my feelings and I just blurt it out like that. Like the fuck, I didn't even think it was that deep. I didn't really think I even wanted a chance.

I sighed deeply, before picking up "Candice I-"

"Girl I'm-" we said at the same time.

"Renee I'm sorry" she said quickly. "I'm so sorry, I over reacted and-"

"What?" I said in shock. I was sorry. Sorry I felt these weird feelings and spooked her out, "I'm sorry, I didn't always feel like that. I don't know what came over me"

"You don't have anything to be sorry about. It was me who started acting weird and literally because I wasn't even thinking about your feelings at all. I was all up in my own feelings, and literally just thinking about me"

I opened my mouth to speak, but Candice hadn't finished. I understood her reaction though. Shit, she had heard a lot on that day and my outburst only added to it.

"I was wrong for that shit. Renee you've been nothing but a good friend to me and I was sitting doubting you. Thinking maybe you made shit up, but all along you've had my best interest. We got each others back. I shouldn't have made you feel shit for feeling any type of way. Like, if you feeling women you shouldn't feel ashamed. I mean I know I'm fine" she joked before she got serious again, "I've been thinking it over, like if I liked women then nobody could tell me I was wrong. Shit, it's like how I love ketchup and bbq sauce mixed together, and nobody gets it"

I screwed my face, that shit ain't the same.

"What I'm trying to say is, if you want a woman or whatever, then she would be lucky to have you. If you was a man then I'd be lucky to have you."

If I was a man, I thought to myself. This girl needs to stop. But I was relieved she felt differently, though I was still unsure about the woman feeling thing, I was glad she wasn't judging me anymore. It hurt to know she questioned my friendship, but the fact she apologised made me feel blissfully happy.

"I don't know if I'm feeling women or anything like that but I mean these feelings popped up with you every so often. I tried to push it back to be honest. I didn't even mean to say anything. I felt disgusted at myself, and I got why you went. I appreciate what you said right there Candice, more than you know" I expressed sincerely, she made me feel like it was more 'okay' to feel kinda differently about women, even if it wasn't her.

She sighed, "I hope this doesn't come between us"

"I was thinking the same thing. I was so angry at myself for saying anything"

"I'm glad you did because now you can be real to yourself, and I just want things to be normal again. You was really happy at the idea of Samuel and I despite how you felt. You've been a real friend. I've been a bit shitty. I never even said thanks for telling me what you heard. I'll have to fill you in on that, and I saw Ryan. The first thing I wanted to do was call you to talk about it. I realised how much I missed you as a friend. Shit, all weekend I've been wondering how you and Sky are doing."

"I missed you too" I said honestly. When Sky went to bed, I wanted to tell Candice how well it went, and talk about all the cute things she said. Candice and I normally don't go a day without speaking, so although it's been two days, it was weird. "Damn after a full year. Yeah, you better fill me in. I've been missing out on a whole lot by the sounds of it" the atmosphere changed, it was lighter between us now, "Sky has just been adorable, I don't think I'll ever be ready for her to go home. I took her to the pool yesterday, just to splash - she can't swim yet. And today we went to adventure land, this girl was running up and down as usual, her energy levels are just Sky high-"

I was interrupted by a loud thud, and Sky's loud voice "I'm sorry mommy, it was an accident"

I rolled my eyes to the heavens.. She's broken something again, "Girl let me call you back"

A/N Short, but I'm coming back with a vengeance soon

There's only three chapters where it gets a little frisky so parts of the story will be missed if you don't get to read it.

What you need to do -

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2. Copy and Paste this link - https://www.wattpad.com/146411866-mixing-business-with-pleasure-26-frustration

You should be able to read it then, again Sorry for the inconvenience.

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