12 - Surprise

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A/N I normally upload everyday (as I write it on my phone) But this Chapter has come a tad late. Sorry if you happened to notice, I'll make up for it though.

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I sat up so abruptly, that my leg got tangled between the sheets. That was a knock on my door right? I was about to pinch myself to check if I was dreaming or not. But I didn't need to; I heard the loud banging noise again, which confirmed it. Samuel Peters was on the other side of that door. The flimsy, wooden door, with chipped blue paint.

'Shit, shit, shit.' My mind repeated, as I thought about what his reaction would be to my apartment. In comparison to his place, I might as well live on the streets. Lard, I'm surprised he didn't turn back when he realised the area code. I'm literally positioned beside the hood. I used to view that as an accomplishment, as this job, meant I could live in a slightly better area, without the fear of Dominoes following me around everywhere. Dominoes. The man that would ask everybody and their mama for money, so he could get his hands on some alcohol. Alcohol is his poison. He's an older man. The grey hairs on his head and deep wrinkles show his age, but you could tell he used to be good looking. You could tell underneath it all, despite his rugged appearance, he was someone special, and that's the sad part. It was my fault for giving him money that time I first time I got paid. I felt so bad for him, and I believed him when he said he needed something to eat. His bones showed through his rusty brown skin, and his clothes hung loose, almost as if he were a hanger. If I hadn't been clouded by naivety, I would have noticed the bottle he always carried wrapped up in a brown paper bag, tucked away in his back pocket. I should have listened to my mama's advice. Because after that, Dominoes was on me like sugar and Kool-Aid - I couldn't get rid of him. Once I told him I didn't have any money to give him and he went mad. He followed me around, called me a liar and kept harassing me. He would literally wait outside for me to come back home, and bang at my door at night.

This apartment, to me was a safe haven, but now I'm embarrassed of it.


Another knock on the door brought me back to present day, and the reality of this current situation. I took a deep breath, finally getting out of bed, and heading towards the door.

I tried to avoid finding more flaws, to this inferior place I call home. Of course, I paused momentarily to look at my reflection in the mirror as I walked past, to see if I looked presentable enough. My hair spiralled out of control. The curls twisted together, like old friends wrapped in a hug, to form an alliance, as they travelled upwards towards the sky. My face was uncovered by makeup, revealing the beauty that I've learnt to embrace. The lilac silky material that caressed my skin did my body justice, which is precisely why I chose to wear it. This nightdress makes me feel so good.

I stood completely still, once I opened the door to reveal a casually dressed Samuel. We were both frozen in time again. My eyes becoming more and more entranced by his honey brown ones. He stood tall, fully dressed in black. Black pants, black t-shirt, black sneakers - black man.

"I told you I would come" He said whilst his eyes glistened playfully, officially breaking the silence, "You look surprised."

"Well I guess I didn't expect you to just turn up without me giving you my address or- " I rambled twisting a chunk of my curly locks around my fingers. "You should come in," I said interrupting myself sheepishly, as I opened the door wider. He didn't come all this way to talk in the hallway. The hallway that smelt like a mixture of weed and smoke. I inwardly sighed.

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