35 - Get together Part 3

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Samuel Pov

"Where did you get her from?" Jerome my boy asked Daniel referring to the spanish woman he walked in with, that had walked over to talk with Candice and the girls.

"The only thing you should be paying attention to is your wife homeboy" Daniel turned his head until he spotted her, which caused all to look over at the tired, pale, woman in a dress that was about three sizes small. The angry facial expression as she scolded one of her kids did her no favours either.

Now I can appreciate thick big women, shit my mama's big but Claire had let herself go.

It was Devon who laughed first.

"What the fuck you laughing at?" Jerome questioned, though it was clear he was thinking the same as us. When they first met she was a 110, now she's on minus numbers.

Devon laughing out like that almost made me laugh too, but I kept it in.

"There was this joke, from earlier that just came to my mind man" Devon replied, the laughter in his voice was still obvious.

Jerome sighed heavily, "Sometimes I think I just aint attracted to her anymore"

"Only sometimes?" Daniel piped up, which made me laugh a little. He always went that step too far.

"Maybe you should talk to her, tell her she aint doing it for you no more." Devon suggested.

"Nigga are you crazy?" I questioned. There's no way he could tell his wife that carried his two children so bluntly that he aint feeling her no more and not expect fireworks.

"So what would you do if Candice let herself go in about five years?"

"That shit aint gone happen" I replied, "but if it did it wouldn't bother me cos I love her on the inside"

"You say that now," he shook his head "Shit I used to love Claire on the inside too, but lately she be tripping, always complaining and moaning about unnecessary shit" Jerome took a big sip of the rum and coke he was drinking. He looked like he needed it.

"Ever thought about counselling?" I suggested.

"What paying big money to tell a stranger his business" Devon chirped in, "Shit I will counsel you nigga. If you don't love her no more divorce her"

"I don't think I want a divorce man" Jerome looked over at his wife with their little boy Matthew, who was talking to Sky.

"Shit, what's wrong with a divorce?" Daniel asked, "Instead of glancing and wondering about this women, you could be having them."

"Fuck that, you need to ask yourself if you really love her like Devon said. Cos if you do, you'll make it work" I advised him, as I took my phone out my pocket.

It was mama to say they at the door. Both Daniel and I went to the door to see pops holding a bunch of containers.

After hugging and kissing mama on her cheek, and we all said hello's I told mama off, "I told you not to bring nothing"

"Boy be quiet, I don't know why you get all these caterer people. You know my food is better than that." Mama said seriously.

"This food is good though mama, I mean there mac and cheese might be better than yours" Daniel teased.

"Go help your father put my food out" Mama smiled swatting him away before she turned to me, "Are we gone stand here all night or are you going to show me to her?"

"Damn, no love for your favorite son" I put my arm around her.

"I don't have no favortites" I knew that was a lie, "and I just can't wait to meet her. I had a dream about her last night, and you know my dreams don't ever lie."

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