6 - Moving on: Part 1

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Chapter 6 - Samuel Pov
Moving On Part 1

A/N This is a filler of Samuel's love life so you can see where he's coming from. A little something for those that don't want to read freaky shit. Part 2 will probably be made private as him and Candice are finally about to get down.

Normally I'm not the type to rush into having sex. I know it's rare men think that way but I've always been the type to want to get a know a woman. That's the whole point of a date to me. To get to know a woman on a different level. If I wanted to fuck and duck, then there's no point in me taking a woman out. I'm interested in seeing if they have substance. Daniel's only a year older than me but he has always had a different mentality. He was all about quantity whereas I'm about quality. Back in the day, at high school, my boys were showing off about the amount of girls they got, whilst I was more focused on one girl. Shaniqua Robinson. I used to go out of my way to try and get just a little of her attention. I made myself look like a damn fool. Shit, Daniel and my friend Terrence still tell jokes about it till this day. But to me it was worth it. That was my first love. We lost our virginities together and it was special - I wasn't just trying to buss a nut. But young love is expected to fade away. After graduation we was going in different directions. So it ended.

I went through a phase of sleeping around in college. I was single and it wasn't my fault that women kept approaching me. I had no self control. But I still felt like something was missing. So I worked on my hustle. I knew people that knew people, so it wasn't hard to get into the game of selling drugs. I thought I'd be happy with the money and what came with it but something was still missing. I used the money to invest in my education, my major was business management which helped with the corporation I own today with Daniel. We started from the bottom but we made it in the end. Focusing on my business meant I had no time for love.

Then I met Simone who I thought was the answer. That bitch. I don't like to call a women out of their name but that's what she is to me. If there wasn't the possibility that she could be carrying my seed I would have to kill her. Maybe not literally, though I could get that shit arranged. Rich men don't get their hands dirty.

I met her at a event. We got to talking. I ate the shit she fed me. I began thinking she was the one. Maybe it was that sexy British accent of hers or that perfect body shape that had me confused. She had an arse for days, that I used to get jealous of other men looking at She was the exotic looking type, light caramel colored skin, green eyes and long naturally wavy brown hair. I even appreciated that she didn't seem to mind how much I worked. I should have seen the signs. How extra excited she was when I gifted her or how her smile only looked genuine when there was a lot of my money being spent. Then again, that's not true. She looked genuinely happy when she received this dick. Although that's no surprise now I know who she really is. That treacherous, mother fucking hoe.

When Daniel said he looked like of Trae's girls I didn't want to believe it. I didn't know Trae personally but I don't have any respect for him. I know what he's about. He's basically a modern day pimp. Except he deals with the exquisite type. I dismissed what Daniel told me because he didn't seem too sure. Besides I knew Simone. He said he saw her at an event with Trae once but I trusted her too much to lock everything off after a solid year. Id already started to think she was the one, but what made me think I was sure, was when she said she was pregnant. Shit, I was happy at the idea of starting a family. I wanted to do it the right way.

Surprisingly, we didn't have a big wedding which was mainly because she didn't have any family and I was trying to be considerate. Turns out she lied about her parents dying. They've been under the illusion she was missing. She straight up, ran off to America with Trae. She's cold. Found out she was out there fucking around to get ALL the shit she wears on her back. All this time I was thinking she was living off her inheritance. She even said she came here to make her parents proud. I know a man that goes by the name of Trace. He will literally trace anyone, for the right price. And boy, did he dig up the dirt on this one. I was stupid to not think of calling Trace up before we got married. Truth is I was only looking into her to stop Daniel chatting shit. Love is blind.

She'd been working for Trae for three years before she met me. What boiled my blood is that she was seeing him and working for him whilst we were together. Trace was able to catch footage of them in the club on nights when I was working. She looked like a completely different person on that screen. All this time this bitch was playing me. I didn't care what she said about her changing when I confronted her. It was clear what her intent was. She's lucky I managed to show some self control. All I kept thinking was theres a chance she's knocked up with my child. So I left her with the house. That way she's still able to live and I know where she is. I have people watching to make sure she's taken care of. Not because I care about that bitch. But because of that baby inside of her. Knowing how much she fucked around means there's what.. Like a 10% chance. I won't have to worry about all that when I get the DNA test done the second the baby is born.

She has the audacity to call my phone after everything. She's still trying to pretend that our relationship wasn't a business transaction for her. She's done well. Shit, if I was one of her homegirls Id probably congratulate her.

After I left I brought myself a new place. The one I'm at now. Got myself a penthouse, that reminded me of my old place before Simone. Id be lying if I said I haven't brought no woman up here before. The first month of being alone reverted me to my young days in college. But I guess I'm not the type. It didn't feel right especially after Candice stepped into my office. Her CV was impressive but she impressed me more in person. I knew I had to have her... for the job.

It was hard to contain myself around her. It had only been 3 months of her working for me but I felt such a strong connection. I think it's because we spent most of our days with each other. I found myself thinking about her after hours. Not always sexual. She made me realise how irrelevant Simone had become in my life despite the constant phone calls.

I wasn't going to disclose my feelings for Candice until more time went by or maybe never, as she was my PA and it could get sticky. But what happened, happened and I couldn't suppress it anymore. I was surprised when she told me she felt it too. Even more surprised when she seemed prepared to hear me out. I had the most fun I've had in a long while just talking to her over lunch. I feel like I've known her longer that just 3 months.

Like I said I'm not the type to rush into sex with a woman. I like to get to know them properly. But shit, a man has needs. It's been 2-3 months since I've had sex and I have this sexy woman who looks like she wants it just as much as I do. I never would have thought Candice would be back at my place and we would be in this comprising situation. Or that she would trust me enough. I looked beside me in awe, of the beautiful woman beside me. She's flawless. I really want to show her how much I appreciate her the best way I know how.

"Are you sure you're ready for this?" I asked her. Naturally I was still concerned about how she felt. I didn't want this to be something she regretted.

"I'm sure" she said looking into my eyes.

I leaned in to get a taste of her plump lips again, whilst I used my hands to get a feel of her thick thighs.

Please vote and comment, if you like what you're reading. Simone vrs Candice? If the baby is his then do you think Simone would be able to get her man back? Is Candice coming across too desperate? She didn't waste no time after he said a few little slick words.

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