10 - Heart

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Chapter 10 - Omniscient Pov

Candice felt like a secret agent as she sneaked out of her bosses penthouse to meet her best friend Renee. A big part wanted her to stay, wrapped up in Samuels arms but she knew they both had a busy day ahead of them. He had meetings throughout the day that could benefit the company in terms of connections. And she had to make sure everything kept on schedule, rearranging the meeting from yesterday and setting up for the 'celebration' party for all the people that were newly signed.

Candice knocked on the window of Renee's 'get away' car as the door was locked when she tried to open it. She looked at Renee who looked tired wearing leggings and a wife beater, and instantly felt bad.
"I'm so sorry ReRe" she cooed as she got in the car, wanting to give her friend a quick hug. ReRe was the nickname Candice used to call her when she was trying to get back into her good books in high school. Renee was hormonal during the first stage of their friendship which meant Candice was always doing something wrong.
"You know I got you, Candi" Renee smiled weakly, thinking back to the days when they used to call each other those names, before rubbing her left eye that felt itchy.
"Now I know how you feel" Candice said playfully as Renee moved the gear stick, then pressed on the gas. Renee's heartbeat got so fast she felt it was going to pop out of her chest. 'She couldn't know', she thought to herself. Before her panic became noticeable to Candice, she had another light bulb moment.

Renee was beyond relieved, she laughed finally knowing what her friend meant. In the past, before she started having weird feelings for Candice, it had been her calling for a ride back home the night after.
"Don't be bringing up my colorful past girl. It's all about present day" Renee's smile faded slightly as she thought about what Candice has been up to. What worried her was, that she knew it was more than just the sex unlike the flings she had in the past. Candice wasn't that type of sister. If she slept with Samuel, then it had to mean she really liked him.
"So tell me what happened girl. I told you I want details" Renee interrogated. This time she really wanted to know. She wanted to assess how deep Candice's feelings were.

Candice explained how everything went down, starting from the look at the office. Renee made the appropriate sound effects as her friend spoke about how open Samuel was. She actually thought he went about everything in a mature manner. She couldn't really be against him, just because she didn't like it. She did however think her friend was getting too invested in her feelings. It really wasn't like Candice to be so free. In reality all he did was say a few sweet words, and then he got the cookie. If those words were true, then there's nothing to worry about. But Samuel going straight ahead and having sex with her doesn't really scream that he values her as a lady, which is what she highlighted to Candice.

The negative thing Renee pointed out, was for her best friends interest, not her own. She didn't want her to get hurt. Candice seemed completely sprung to Renee. And she was right. Candice felt high off Samuel's love. There was a new smile on her face she couldn't rub off, despite knowing it could all be a lie. She didn't want to think about the negatives. The truth is, she didn't really care because she felt happy inside.

Candice's smile stayed on her face when she walked into her workplace at 9:00 sharp. The first thing she did was call the company Diamond Marketing, that Samuel was supposed to meet yesterday, to rearrange for another date. It was much easier than she thought it would be. This was because Brandy Wallace the founder of Diamond Marketing saw collaborating with Samuel and Daniel as a amazing opportunity. Brandy thought the meeting being cancelled was a sign that they didn't want to work with her, so she was relieved when Candice called. Candice recorded the meeting being rescheduled for tomorrow afternoon.

Candice wanted to remain as professional as possible. She knew the lines had already been crossed. 'Damn, the line is invisible after what we did..' She thought to herself. 'Oh, what we did', her inner voice repeated as her imagination took over her. Candice tried to focus on the researching potential new networks on the computer in front of her but her mind kept flashing back to when Samuels masculine hands roamed all over her body.

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