13 - Changes

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Thought the title of this chapter was fitting to the dedication, I literally saw changes in the amount of readers. Tis Appriciated 

Chapter 13 - Changes 

Candice Pov

I'm a natural early bird, so I wasn't surprised I was awake first. I woke up to the sound of his light snores and the warmth of his body next to mine. His arm draped heavily across my back, as I thought to myself how much I enjoyed his company - even in my sleep. Normally, I wake up once or twice throughout the night. I'm not sure why, it's not always because of nightmares, I've always been that way. In the presence of this man I slept like a baby. Well technically that's a stupid expression, I didn't sleep like a baby. Babies do not sleep in peace, they wake up a million times and they cry and cry and cry. Yeah, I'm not a fan of babies at night time. Their cuteness definitely fades into nothingness when they are the cause of you being exhausted. I'm still haunted by the nights I spent being a babysitter. 

I slept unlike a baby. I slept just fine. 

There was no birds tweeting outside. The sun didn't rise the moment I woke up. This was not a five star hotel, where we woke up to the perfect scenery with cute sprinkled rose petals and burnt out candles, that were a reminder of our sweet love making. But this moment was romantic. I lay down in a complete mode of bliss, with a man I could imagine myself falling in love with. 

This was until I looked at the time on my alarm clock that stood on the bed side table. I nudged Samuel, who seemed to be completely oblivious to the fact it's a Friday Morning. His eyes opened in slow motion, as he woke up hazily. I started to wonder how he still looked so flawless. His smooth milk chocolate skin, wavy dark hair and plump dark pink kissable lips. 

"Baby, go back to sleep" He mumbled incoherently. 

Baby. I couldn't help but coo 'awww' on the inside. I couldn't help the smile that crept to my lips after that one little word, because I viewed him as my baby too. My baby. Mine. Go back to sleep. But there was no way we could go back to sleep as much as I wanted to. It was after seven in the morning, meaning his meeting with Diamond Marketing was in less than 3 hours. 

I whispered in his ear that we had to get ready as I planted a kiss on his jaw line. He moved his arm that rested on top of my back, to rub his eyes. 

"Morning" I said softly, as I watched him begrudgingly force himself out of sleeping mode. 

"Morning" he returned sleepily, moving his face towards mine.

I knew he wanted to kiss me properly, but I was too busy thinking about my potential morning breath, so I denied access of his tongue colliding with mine. We stayed wrapped up in each others embrace for a few seconds, before we both left the bed. 

We both got ready simultaneously, not worrying about each others personal space. There was limited room and time was of the essence. I had to stop Samuel from coming into the shower with me, and resist the temptation because we at the end of the day, we were on a time schedule. During the hours of 9-5, I'm paid by him to do my job, and that is what I was going to do, despite the whole 'mixing business and pleasure rule' being thrown out of the window. 

Shortly after making up the bed, and clearing away my things, I was in front of the mirror, in the living room studying my face. I had already slicked my hair up into my infamous bun. I frowned. Is that a newly formed spot on my chin? No, no, no. I had precisely twenty minutes to conceal it and do the rest of my makeup.  

"You don't even need all that" Samuel's voice floated in the air, as I continued to draw on my eyebrow, with help of my angled brush and dark brown powder.

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