16 - Truth

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A/N The truth is finally revealed. Vote / Comment. This update came despite some real life college stress. The next updates will be longer.

15 - Truth

I can't pretend a little part of me didn't think about what this could mean for the future. Because obviously Candice would be single again, not that she is technically taken - but you know, she wouldn't be with nobody. That was some inner voice of mine though, because I'm not really into women. I like men. It's just Candice... I couldn't help but think back to when she kissed me on my cheek last night, because before I went to sleep that's all I thought about, I'm not going to lie.

But I'm not even trying to think about myself right now. I know a part of the reason I'm so mad is because he had her and I feel like he didn't even appreciate it. If I had her I would never-
I put my own thoughts to a halt. Sometimes I wonder who controls my own brain. The point is: Samuel should never have treated my girl like that. Point. Blank. Period.

And look at who he married. That accent couldn't fool a soul. The way she presented herself was trashy. Below, low class. Trust me, I've seen some hoes but her and her friend were just... She's nothing in comparison to Candice.

That Samuel has got some nerve. He better be careful because I can call someone easily, to mysteriously fuck him up. I still can't get over the stuff Candice said, he said. He was sounding like some type of Romeo, meanwhile he's a piece of shit - just like the rest of them.

The lift door finally opened on the top floor. I was trying to rationalise my thoughts, and get myself together. Even my weave was sweating because of the heat of the anger that came across me. I was trying hard to remember my surroundings, so I didn't look crazy as hell running around to find Candice. I paced around the office as fast as I could. She had to be out of that meeting by now.

I screwed my face when I saw the seat that belongs to Candice was still empty. I logged on my computer, despite having the strong urge to still look around, so I could inform my girl so she wasn't in the dark anymore. That's when I saw the devil himself. Strutting around like he owns the place. Wait, he does own the place, girl. But still. The sight of him made my skin crawl. I swear to God I would have said something, but at the end of the day this is my job. And of course Sky is in the picture, otherwise it may have been a different story. I just need to warn Candice.

I kept watching Samuel. Our eyes met for a moment, when he walked past. It was only a split second so I don't think he noticed the dagger look I was sending him. Then it hit me, if he is out of the meeting, where the hell is Candice. I took out my phone. She's not a magician, she can't just disappear.

I decided against using my phone in this nosy office, because everyone was already extra aware. Nobody really heard what was going on because only Rosa and I were close to what was going on, but people were still talking. Nobody understood what those type of people were doing here. I'm glad they didn't hear because, then Candice would have to get her heart broken by someone's big mouth, gossiping.

I snuck off to the bathroom after answering some of the emails Daniel told me about, to call Candice. She answered on the third ring.

"Where the hell are you?" I questioned her immediately, I didn't even wait for her to say hello.

"I'm looking at venues for the celebration party, why what's wrong?" She seemed puzzled, but a little concerned at my tone of voice.

"When do you think you'll be done?" I asked, trying not to alarm her too much. It's interesting how she's out of the office now. Samuel just have sent her there, to get her out of the way. He thinks he's so damn slick.

"Erm, I'm not sure. I have a few places on my list. Why?"

"I just have a few things to tell you. It's really important, okay. So stop by my place after work." I ordered her. Now clearly wasn't the right time, I needed to tell her face to face.

"Alright girl, you're alright though?"

"Yeah I'm okay. Just come as soon as you're done" I felt bad she felt all concerned for me, when it was really her who won't be feeling alright, after this news.

I had to promise Daniel I would answer every email on my work phone, and do everything plus more than what needed to be done, so I could leave early. I needed to pick up my baby from school.

I was the proudest mom in the world, when Sky rushed out excitedly screaming "Mommy look what I won" as she held a golden certificate for good spelling.

"Well done baby" I grinned back at her. I gave her a big hug.

She told me all about her day at school, and wouldn't stop talking on the way back to my place. I couldn't help but feel emotional that she was so excited to stay with me.

Sky was sat round the table finishing off the food I cooked for her, when Candice showed up. I was making sure she ate her greens, before she went anywhere but she got away with it as Candice and her enjoyed their little conversation. Sky loved the bones of Candice, and knew her from the countless times she came to visit her with me. I was too busy cleaning up the kitchen to realise that my sneaky little angel had hidden the broccoli in her napkin, until it was too late.

I didn't want to come down too hard on her.

"Sky, would you like some ice cream. You deserve it after doing so well in your test" I called out to her knowing she would be tempted.

"Yes! Yes! Yes!" She shouted, showing a mouth full of gums.

"She acting like she's had sugar already. I wish I had your energy after such a long day" Candice commented, smiling at how happy she was.

Sky was jumping up and down. She's too cute.

"Okay, well I'm going to go head and give you some, and you can watch your favourite cartoon, whilst I talk to your Aunty Candice"

Sky ran over to the ice cream, leaving Candice in the dust.

"She loves the ice cream more than me" Candice said loudly, faking hurt.

"No I don't Aunty, I love you way more" Sky said, before still going to sit down in front of the TV. Kids.

Candice sat in front of me, in the chairs in the kitchen.

"I thought Sky was the big news" Candice said anxiously.

"Well it was but" I started, "Look Candice, I don't even know how to say this. But I have to tell you"

"Girl what is it?" She asked. Her face looked worried. I'm guessing because my face looked a picture.

"A woman came today at work to see Samuel." I spoke slowly. I felt so damn awkward saying this to her.

"Yes, and?" Candice interrupted me, and I could already feel she was copping an attitude.

"And that woman said she was his wife. She was pregnant with this other woman causing a scene." I said watching my friends expression change drastically. Her face just stood still. It had no emotion.

I started talking, through the silence to show her my support, "Look I know he is dead wrong. I can get somebody to fix him up. Just say the word. But you can get over this, you are strong, okay. Good thing is, it hasn't gone too far"

Candice's silence was starting to scare me.

I watched her as she stared into space, probably processing the information.

"Candice don't worry. You are worth way more than that hoe. She was an average thot okay! And Samuel, he doesn't realise how special you are. He is stupid. You don't need him."
I breathed heavily. I was trying to support my girl, and I was heated. I didn't even realise the words had slipped out of my mouth when I said "If I had a chance with you, I'd never ever treat you like that, you are no side peice girl"

A/N I want to hear them thoughts people. Tomorrow I'll go over it if there are any mistakes.

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