43# ᰔᩚ𝙏𝙚𝙖𝙧𝙨 𝙞𝙣 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙧𝙖𝙞𝙣ᰔᩚ

523 31 44

Ni-ki |

As I walked away from Sunoo, the weight of my actions felt heavier with each step. The look of pain in his eyes haunted me, and all I could do was feel guilty. I had wanted to hurt him, to push him away, but now after I saw what I have caused, I wish I could turn back time.

I wandered aimlessly through the streets, my mind consumed with regret. I replayed the conversation with Sunoo in my head, and it was like a dagger stabbing at my conscience. How could I have been so heartless? How could I have said those things to him? I was so stupid.

As I walked alone, my tears mingled with the raindrops that fell from the dark clouds above. I didn't want to hurt Sunoo, but I felt trapped by my own emotions. I thought pushing him away would be the best thing I could do, but seeing him hurt like this made me question everything.

Memories of the times we spent together flashed before my eyes. The laughter, the inside jokes, the way his smile lit up a room - they were all things I cherished about Sunoo. But now, I had shattered that happiness, and for what? To protect myself? To distance myself from the vulnerability I felt around him?

I leaned against a wall, burying my face in my hands as sobs wracked my body. I was confused and torn. I had let my fear and insecurities dictate my actions, and I had hurt the one person who had genuinely cared for me and who I cared for.

In that moment, I realized that breaking Sunoo's heart was not worth it. It just left me feeling empty and broken as well. I didn't want to lose him from my life. I didn't want to lose the joy and connection we shared.

I had been so focused on self-preservation that I failed to consider the consequences of my actions on both of us. I thought shutting him out would protect me from getting hurt, but it only made me hurt more.

I made my way home as the sun started to set, hoping the cover of darkness would hide the tears on my face. I didn't want Jay to see me in such a vulnerable state, not after what had happened between me and Sunoo. I took a deep breath, wiping away any remaining tears before I opened the front door.

As I stepped inside, I saw Jay waiting for me in the living room. I avoided eye contact, not ready to face him just yet. I couldn't bear the thought of explaining my hurtful actions. I knew Jay would be disappointed in me, and right now, I didn't have the strength to get scolded.

Without saying a word, I walked past Jay, my eyes cast downward, and I made my way to my room. I needed to be alone, to sort through the mess of emotions inside me, and to confront the harsh truth of what I had done.

Once inside my room, I closed the door behind me. I sat down on my bed, burying my face in my hands, trying to make sense of it all.

The guilt was overwhelming, and I found myself questioning my own actions and intentions. Why did I lash out like that? Was it to protect myself from getting hurt? Was it because I was scared of being vulnerable?

But as I delved deeper, I realized that hurting Sunoo was never what I truly wanted. It was an attempt to push him away, to distance myself from the feelings I had for him. But in doing so, I had hurt not only him but also myself.

I regretted my actions, and I wanted to take back those hurtful words, but I knew I couldn't erase the pain I had caused. The damage was done, and I would have to live with the consequences of my own mistakes.

As I sat there, the weight of my regret became too much to bear, and I allowed myself to cry again. I let the tears flow freely, not holding back this time.

An hour later, there was a soft knock on the door. I knew it was Jay; who else could it be? I wasn't in the mood to see anyone, but I also knew I couldn't avoid him forever. With a heavy sigh, I wiped my tear-stained face and managed to call out,

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