Illness pt3

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Beth's POV

As we get to the training ground we see a crowd of staff and Jonas there. There's also a big ambulance with paramedics outside with a stretcher. Viv is still crying and the doctor said no more paracetamol would help so I couldn't give her any. When the door of the bus opens I pick viv up and take her  outside hoping the fresh air would help her. The paramedics rush over to us and help me gently place her on the bed. Viv is reaching for my hand so I hold it tightly. The paramedics ask my relation to her and when I say girlfriend they let me in the ambulance with her. Viv is freaking out so they try to get me to help soothe her. They ask me her symptoms and I tell them everything she told me.

We arrive at the ambulance and viv is crying her eyes out. The paramedics wheel her in but the doctors stop me and tell me I have to wait in the waiting room for more updates. Fuck I hate this. I'm pacing around the waiting room when I hear people shouting my name and pairs of arms around me. The team is here. All of them.
"How is she?" Katie asks.
"I uh I- it's just uh I don't know. They won't let me see her! I'm worried." My eyes start worrying as I'm speaking and Steph hugs me tight.
"She'll be fine. I promise you."
"You don't know that!" I snap as I continue pacing. The girls look at me confused. The amount of time these girls have known me and I have never snapped at any of them. I keep pacing not getting the image of viv crying in my arms out of my head.
"Family of Vivianne Miedema." A doctor says and I immediately run up to him.
"Is she okay? Please tell me she's okay!"
"She is okay. In fact she is requesting to see a Bethany Mead." He says and I nod.
"Yeah that's me." The doctor seems satisfied and I walk off with him.
"She's in there." He says pointing to the door. I walk in and see viv in a hospital Beth. Looking sick but better when I last saw her.
"Beth." She whispers out and I walk over to her. I sit on the chair next to her bed and kiss her head.
"I was so worried meisje."

Meadema PovsWhere stories live. Discover now