Chapter 3

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Thursday, October 4

"The crew's probably in the game room," Jaxon yells over the loud music. He grabs my hand and pulls me through the large crowd of people dancing and drinking.

"It's really loud!" I yell. Jaxon doesn't hear me though and he pulls me into what looks like a game room all the way in the back of the house where the music isn't so loud.

"What's up party people," Jaxon says. The room only has three guys sitting on the couches and a couple girls playing games. "Well, you know Kyle. And this is Alex and Wyatt." He points to them as he says there names.

Alex has this mysterious look about him. He's hot, no doubt but he's kind of creepy looking. Wyatt is just plain hot with his blond hair and all black. Kyle looks handsome with his in-styled hair and all black clothes.

"Why'd you bring her?" Kyle asks.

"'Cause I wanted to. Why's everyone sitting down? Let's play a game or something," Jaxon groans and plops down on one of the couches.

I just stand there awkwardly.

"Let's go get drinks," Kyle suggests and everyone gets up to go get drinks. I guess Kyle is the leader. Everyone except Wyatt got up.

I stand there for a little while longer then my feet start to hurt. I don't want to sit down because Wyatt doesn't look to friendly. He's scrolling away on his phone, for some reason he's glaring at his phone. It's weird. It's getting really really awkward and I wish Jaxon didn't leave me alone. Why didn't I go with them again?

"Did Wyatt keep you company?" Jaxon asks entering the room now with everyone behind him. I'm glad that's over, it was so uncomfortable.

"Yeah," I lie.

"Cool," he says.

I look over at Wyatt and he notices me staring. "Um, I'm gonna go outside to get some air."


The night isn't turning out how I expected. I thought I'd be having uncontrollable fun. I thought I'd be dancing and meeting new people but really it's kind of nerve wrecking.

I'm sitting at the side of the house. The house is really big to the point where it has a side entrance with steps as if it's the front of the house.

I pull out my phone and call Mikey. No doubt he's awake. I put it on speaker because... why not.


"Hey, Mikey," I say.

"What's wrong? Do you want me to come get you?"

"No, I'm fine. But people at this party don't like me."

I hear Mikey sigh and I can tell he's pacing which is something he only does when he's worried.

"I'm sure they like you. You tend to be quiet around people you don't know so try talking to people, okay?"

"It's not that simple."

"It really is," he chuckles.

"I'm gonna go now," I sigh.


I hang up and stick my phone into my jacket pocket.

"Was that your boyfriend?"

I turn around to see Kyle coming to sit next to me. He sits so close to me that I can smell his cologne. I can also smell the alcohol on him as well.

"No, that was my friend, Mikey."

"I kind of figured," he says.

Excuse me? What's that supposed to mean? "Oh."

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