Chapter 28

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Sunday, December 20

Imogen's POV

"So, where are we going?"

"Stop talking."

"But I want to know where we're going."

"Stop talking."

"You're mean."

"Stop talking."

I sit back into the seat of Wyatt's car with a loud over dramatic sigh. He basically shoved me in his car and told me to shut up which is very rude by the way and I will be telling Margo what a terrible host he is.

"Why do you hate me?" I mumble. I never did anything to him but he treats me like dirt sometimes.

Wyatt sighs. "I don't hate you, okay? I just really don't like you.I don't know what it is about you but I just don't like you. I'm not trying to be rude or anything, I'm just being honest."

Honesty is the best policy I suppose. "What did I do? Maybe I can change it."

He shakes his head running one hand over his hair. "I already said I don't know what it is."

"Fine," I huff.


"Stay in the car and don't come out," Wyatt demands.

"Why not?"

"Imogen," he warns.

I shut my mouth and stare straight ahead. I do not need to be arguing with him when he uses that tone with me.

We pulled up in front of what looks like some sort of club. In bold letter at the top of the building it says "Lynch" with moving pictures of beer bottles and people dancing. This must be a club Wyatt owns. I wonder if Margo knows about this place, she probably does otherwise Wyatt would've told me not to say a word to Margo.

Thirty minutes pass and I start to get bored and my butt starts to hurt so I get out the car defying Wyatt's demand. It's freaking cold and gloomy but it's kind of better than sitting in the stuffy car. I walk towards the club and hear loud obnoxious music. It only gets louder as I get closer but before I can even grab onto the door handle out comes Wyatt and... Dallas?

"Do you have a listening problem?" Wyatt groans.

I shrug. "My butt was starting to hurt," I say. Then I remember Dallas is standing right next to Wyatt and he just heard me say that. "I didn't meant to say that out loud," I mumble.

Dallas only smiles. "It's fine," he assures me. "It's good to see you yet again."

"How do you two know each other?" Wyatt asks.

"We went to college together," I respond.

"That's great," Wyatt says.

"Can you give us a sec to talk?" Dallas asks Wyatt.

Wyatt's eyes narrow into tiny slits before he walks over to his car. Once we're sure he's in his car we both let out a laugh. "He's so uptight," I say.

"I know," he agrees. "But he's pretty cool for a boss though."


"I work in there," he says gesturing to the building behind him. "How do you know him?"

"I'm dating his brother."

"Ah," he mumbles. "So, you're taken."

He sounds... disappointed? "Yeah. Aren't you?"

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