Chapter 22

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Friday, November 15

Kyle's POV

"Wyatt, I-"

"I don't want to talk about it," he snaps.

I sigh knowing better then to push him. "Why don't you like Imogen?"

He shrugs. "I just don't. She's annoying and having Margo talk about her and you all the time is very annoying. End of conversation."


"End of conversation."

"So, what's the plan?" I ask. According to what Imogen told us we're almost at her dad's house and we have no idea how we're going to get Imogen's stuff back. It's day time so he shouldn't be drunk but it'll still be tough.

"We knock as for her stuff. Simple. Now stop talking."


"I'm Kyle, Imogen's boyfriend," I say. "We're here to collect her stuff. She won't be staying with you." It takes everything in me not to pound his face into the ground. It's a little bit weird because her dad isn't - he doesn't really look like Imogen. He's... white.

Wyatt is standing by my car looking more than intimidating so this guy won't try to pull anything. "I-I... I didn't meant to hurt her. I don't know who I am when I'm drunk."

"Then get some help, old man," I snap. I don't have time for his lame excuses. "Where's her stuff?"

"It's upstairs."

"Right. And if you try to do anything stupid my brother won't hesitate to teach you a lesson."

I go into Imogen's dad's house and go upstairs. Damn, he didn't even tell me which room it is. I look in each room until I see some of Imogen's clothes on the floor in one of the rooms. I collect everything that's on the floor but most of her stuff is still in her bag.

I stop gathering her things when I see a picture of Imogen as a little girl with her dad and I assume the happy looking woman is her mother. They look so happy and perfect, I wonder why Imogen's mom would just leave them. She looks the happiest in the picture.

I put the picture into her bag and go back downstairs. "Did you get everything?" Old man asked.

"Yes. And I really didn't appreciate you trying to kill my girl," I say. "You won't be seeing her again, old man," I tell him before exiting the house. I get into my car and I driveway. I'm glad Imogen and I will never have to see him.


"Kyle, we have to talk," Imogen tells me sitting down on her bed.

"I know."

"You can't just leave, alright? I know you were upset and everything but I don't want you to shut me out like that, Kyle."

"I know, baby, and I'm sorry," I say. It was kind of dumb of me to just leave the way I did but I had to get away so I could think.

"Where did you go?"

"I went for a drive," I shrug. "Nowhere in particular."

"Why didn't you just talk to me?"

I wanted to talk to her and tell her what was going on but I was too angry with Wyatt to even for a remotely appropriate sentence. "I don't know, Imogen. I just needed to think and having you on my back didn't help at that time."

"Having me on your back?"

"I didn't mean it like that," I say. "I mean all your questions weren't helping," I clarify. That doesn't help, Imogen seems to just get angrier.

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