Chapter 16

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Monday, November 4

Imogen's POV

"I'm back!" I hear Mikey's voice while I'm in the kitchen making lunch. I drop everything I have in my hands and run into the living room.

"Mikey, I didn't know you were coming back today," I say. He pulls me in for a nice hug and lets me go.

"Yeah, I have so much to tell you."

We sit down on the couch and we sit facing each other. "I have so much to tell you as well." Like the fact that I'm seeing Kyle and I made a new friend that's a girl.

"You first," he says. "Ladies first." What a gentleman.

"I think you should go first."

He shrugs and grins. "While I was away I met someone."

Finally! "Is it a girl?" I ask just to be clear.

He slaps my leg laughing."Yes, it's a girl. We met in New York and she's amazing. I really really like New York and I'm thinking of moving there."

I blink at him a few times. Maybe he'll start cracking up and we can forget this conversation ever happened. "What?"

"Yeah, I know it's crazy but I met Dan Dollar in New York and he's a great guy. He offered me a job and it's something I'm interested in. And get this: you can come with me. He said he'd be more than willing to meet you. He has so many different offices around the world.

What is happening here? My best friend is going to work for a guy that he only met probably once and leave me to work for Mr. Peters alone? "Mikey..."

"I know it's sudden but we could make it work. We live together anyways so we know that won't be a problem."


"I want you to see the apartment that's in the city-"


"What?" His huge smile fades and I start to feel bad. He made all these plans and I can't even consider leaving.

"I'm seeing Kyle."

"You're... Kyle? The same guy who you hate?"

"I don't hate him. I don't think I ever hated him."

"So, you can't come with me," he murmurs and I nod. "Well, I'm leaving as soon as possible."

"I'm happy that you found someone," I say trying to smile. He turns away from me and stands up.

"I'm going to start packing up."


After a few hours of me helping Mikey pack up clothes that he doesn't want we finish and he leaves to take the old clothes to a homeless shelter then he'll come back and pack up clothes that he does want.

I still can't believe he's leaving. I always knew he'd move on to big and better things but this is an amazing oppurtinty so I can't beg him to stay or guilt him into staying because he deserves this.

I'm sitting on my couch watching TV when Kyle walks into my apartment with Margo trailing behind him. "Hey, girl," Margo says and sits down next to me.

"Hey," I say.

"Don't worry, honey," Margo says. "I'm sure your friend will miss you a bunch as well." That doesn't make me feel any better.

Kyle sits down on the other side of me and pulls me onto his lap. "I think it's for the better," he says.

"Oh, hush," Margo snaps. "That's no way to comfort your girlfriend." This is why I love Margo so much already.

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