Chapter 11

418 19 3

Wednesday, October 10

Kyle's POV

"Joe! JOE! I know you're home! You're car is in the driveway!"

The door swings open and Joe stands there in the doorway, hair disheveled and all, looking annoyed and somewhat confused. "What in the name of-"

I barge into his house and into his living room. I start pacing the place and run my hands down my face and through my hair. Why is this happening? Why did I kiss her? It seems like just yesterday we were arguing and getting at each other, which probably is the case, and now I feel the need to kiss her? I really do need therapy. "I need medical help."

"Kyle, what is going on? This is very inappropriate," Joe says. "You can't be here."

"Well, I am here! And I'm freaking the freak out! I-"

"Kyle! Calm down," Joe says. "Sit down so we can talk about this." He sits down in a comfy chair while I sit down on his stupid fat piece of crap couch that's hard as a rock. Why is it so freaking hard? "Now, what happened?"

"Imogen was at my apartment because Jax quit smoking so he had a little thing at my place. Imogen lingered at the end so I took her outside to talk to her about me telling her something when I drunk. As I was talking to her she got upset so I kind of just stared at her and then I... well... I kissed her."

"You... kissed her? You mean... like... on the lips? And since when did you start drinking again?"

"Yes! I kissed her and now I'm going crazy because I don't feel myself regretting it! I-"

"Alright, alright, Kyle. This is great, you are finally starting to feel some emotions-"

"No! I hate that girl! Her and her sorcery! And thanks for nothing Joe!"

I storm out of Joe's stupidly big house and shove myself into my car cursing when I hit my head when I get in. What is happening to me? I don't go around kissing girls for no reason!

I speed onto the road and drive back home. That's the last place I want to go actually so I make a wrong turn to an old friend's house. It's late but I know she'll be awake.


"I knew you'd come knocking at my door someday."

"I knew you'd still be a slut that's why I'm here," I growl as I shut her front door with my foot and pull her closer by her hips.

"Oh, Kyle. You've definitely been working out," she purrs gripping my arms tighter.

"Yeah, I'm so glad you noticed," I tell her. She smirks at me and my attention is turned to her big pink lips. I attack them aggressively and she jumps up wrapping her legs around my waist. I've missed her, I won't lie about that. I'd just be lying to myself.

We met our junior year of high school. She was my first "girlfriend" if you can even call her that. She was more of a toy for me but I found myself not hating her company and that scared me. Similar to how I feel about Imogen but not quite the same.

We dated for a couple months and I was very comfortable with out arrangement. We slept together frequently and I wasn't exactly happy per se, I was just comfortable like I said before. One night we slept together it was different from the time I came to her house to the moment I left. She was being more emotional and whispering things in my ear that I honestly didn't want to hear any girl say to me. Then finally when she was finished she told me she loved me. I froze. I didn't even finish. I told her that she can't love me and that she really shouldn't. She started crying and telling me she could change me and blah blah blah. I had enough decency back then to comfort her and stay the night to make sure she didn't go crazy. Looking back on the situation I can't say I'd do the same now.

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