Extra Chapter #2

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*Roughly 7 months after Shorty*

Imogen's POV

"Are you comfortable?" Kyle asked sitting down next to me on our couch.

My ankles were swollen hurting and my back was aching but I knew how much it upset Kyle to see me in pain so I just nodded and lied. "I'm fine now."

He rolled his eyes. "Right. Like you weren't just complaining a few minutes ago."

I slapped his arm. "Well excuse me for being so irritable at nearly eight months pregnant." I hated when he made it sound like I was such a nuisance, and there I was trying to protect his feelings.

"I'm not even going to respond to that," Kyle muttered. "I invited some friends over for dinner."

I let out a very unladylike grunt. "Now, why in the hell would you do that?"

Kyle shrugged. "I thought you'd like that. I mean you hate eating with me so-"

"No, I don't hate eating with you," I argued. I'd been doing that a lot lately. Sometimes I just felt like arguing with him.

"Imogen, every time we have dinner you go upstairs into our room and lock the door."

That may or may not be the truth. "I don't want you to see me eat anymore. It's disgusting."

He closed his eyes and sighed. He seemed to do that all the time. "Okay, well do you want me to cancel?"

"Who did you invite?" 

"Just Margo and Wyatt."

Yeah, I did not want them around right now. I looked a hot mess. "Yeah, cancel."

He nodded. "What do you want for dinner?"

"Not sure. Maybe I'll go for a drive and pick something up," I suggested trying to get up.

Kyle took my hand and pulled me up with ease. "That's cute, Imogen, but no. You stay here and you can text me what you want."

I pouted. "Why not?"

"Imogen, you haven't put on a pair of pants in weeks, and every time we attempt to leave the house you change your mind. No way am I letting you leave yourself," he said.

He had a point. I really wasn't keen on wearing pants anymore. They just didn't look right on me. I stick to dresses or just a simple tank top and my underwear. "Whatever. Just go."

He grabbed his keys off the table. "Go where?"

I pushed him out of the way and walked into the kitchen. He followed me of course which annoyed me. But somehow I think I would've been more annoyed if he didn't. "Wherever, I don't care. Just leave me alone."

"Please, don't piss me off. We've been doing so good recently. We haven't gotten into an argument in over two weeks."

His one hand rested on the counter while the other one was balled into a tight fist even with his keys. 

I knew how difficult and indecisive I could be but I was pregnant. What did he expect? Well actually, what did I expect. I knew Kyle had zero patience when I wasn't pregnant so I guess I had to cut him some slack. I also knew how hard he was trying not to snap at me and I loved him for it.

"Fine. Get me a burger and fries."

Kyle let out a sigh of relief. "Good. I'll see you when I get back." He kissed my forehead before leaving me alone.


"I have to say I'm really impressed by how you kept your cool earlier today."

He shrugged. "I just count to ten and try to remember that your indecisiveness comes with your being pregnant."

I kissed his cheek. "Thank you for putting up with me."

Just as he was about to respond his phone started ringing. He quickly picked it up and answered it.

"Hello?... Yeah, can't really talk right now... Maybe tomorrow... Bye." He hung up and tossed his phone on the side table next to our bed. 

"Who was that?"

He looked me dead in my eyes and said, "Amber."

It really sucked because I could never tell when he was lying. To me, it felt like he just lied. "Yeah?"

His brows furrowed. "Yeah."

"Okay," I said then attempted to make a dramatic exit. Kyle tried to help me up but I slapped his hands away. "I can do it myself."

He groaned running his hands down his face. "Seriously, Imogen, just let me help you."

"I said I can do it." I managed to somehow get off of our bed even though I felt Kyle's hand give me a small push. "That was not Amber on the phone," I snapped.

"What do you mean?" He got out of bed too and came towards me. "It's late, let's go to sleep."

I pushed him away. "Don't. I'm sleeping on the couch."

I could visibly see Kyle's patience thinning as he tried once again to grab my arm. "Imogen, come on."

I finally got past him and I made my way to the stairs. The stairs were always a challenge but I was upset and determined. I really was being ridiculous but I couldn't stop myself. 

I held the handrail.

"Take that step and you'll regret it," I heard Kyle say from behind me.

Stubbornly, I took the first step only to be lifted off my feet and carried back into our room. He gently placed in bed and tucked me in. I tried fighting but suddenly I was so tired.

"You're so mean."

He nodded. "I know," he murmured and kissed my cheek. "And for the record, that actually was Amber so relax and get any ideas out of your head."

I closed my eyes and felt Kyle slide into bed next to me. "I really hate you," I said. 

But I really didn't hate him. I loved him so much it was crazy. I knew in the morning I would feel bad about everything. Kyle somehow took the blame for our arguments and I loved him for that. He still loved me even when I was acting crazy.

"Okay, baby, whatever you say. I love you. Goodnight." He slid his arm over my stomach burying his face in my neck. 

First thing tomorrow he was going to find out just how much I loved him too.

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