Chapter 15

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Picture of Imogen's outfit

Sunday, November 3

"Hi, Margo," Jaxon says when he sees Margo and I. He's leaning against his car smirking at us both.

"Hi, Jax," Margo say with a small wave.

"So, where to?" Jaxon asks.

"The mall," I say. He groans and gets into the car. "You can sit in the front," I say to Margo.

"No, that's fine," she says and slides in the back seat.

Of course when I get into the car Alex is in the back seat, him and Jaxon are literally attached at the hip.

Within twenty minutes we're at the mall. Jaxon and Alex refuse to go in with us so we leave them in the car.

Margo and I go into all different stores and we find nothing that really fits me. Everything is so long on me and it sucks being short sometimes.

"I'm sure we'll find something soon," Margo assures me.

As we walk into another store I try to strike up some conversation with her. It seems like she's thinking about something and it's making her upset. "So, how long have you been married?"

"Oh," she says clearly surprised by my question. "Three years."

Three years putting up with Wyatt? Then again I don't even know Wyatt, he could be a sweetie for all I know. "Wow."

"I know." She doesn't seem that happy about it. Usually when someone talks about their marriage they're gushing and smiling about it but she's frowning and staring off into space, deep in thought.

"Is there something wrong?" I ask hesitantly. "You can trust me. I won't tell anyone."

She looks at me for a while as if she's making a decision on whether or not to tell me. "Well, Wyatt loves me. I know he does but he's just so closed off about it. And when I try to talk to him about us he evades the question or just leaves the house."

What am I supposed to say to that? Kyle is kind of the same way but we aren't in love. "Well, maybe you should leave for a while. Give him a chance to realize what his life will be like without you."

She looks at me with genuine surprise and grins. "That's a great idea, Imogen!"

Oh. "Well, you know how I do," I brag. "What's he like?"

"Don't tell anyone but that whole "I'm a cold hearted jerk" act is just that. An act. He's really smart and sweet and funny. If you can tolerate Kyle you'd be able to tolerate Wyatt. They're very similar considering the fact that their brothers."

"Brothers?" What the hell? Since when did they become brothers? Kyle didn't say they were brothers. Why didn't he tell me this?

"Well, you know they are half brothers but they don't like to say that," she tells me. She thinks I know so I go along with it.

"Right," I mumble. Kyle is going to get it when I get home.


Kyle's POV

"What am I going to wear?" I ask Alex over the phone. I would've asked Jaxon but that would get me absolutely nowhere.

My problem is: I have a date and I don't know what to wear. I won't lie... I'm freaking the freak out. My first idea was jeans and a black tee but now that doesn't seem so good anymore.

"Get some khakis or black jeans so it'll look like dress pants, which I know you would never wear, and a nice polo or something," he tells me. Seems good enough.

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