Chapter 30

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Picture: Imogen's look for tonight

Wednesday, December 23

Wyatt's POV

"I don't want to talk about it," I groan pulling the covers over my head. Yet again.

"You don't want to talk about it," she repeats. "Wyatt, so help me..."

Sometimes I wish I was a turtle so I could retreat into my shell and never have to deal with the infuriating woman who is not only my wife but the love of my life. And right now I kind of want to whack her with a pillow and go back to sleep.

"Wyatt! You're not even listening!" Margo yells. She rips the covers off of me and smacks my arm. So abusive.

"What, woman?! What do you want?" I sit up in the bed and glare at her.

"We need to talk," she says calmly. "Your mother called you and you didn't even tell me?"

Just because we're married doesn't mean I have to tell you every little tiny detail about every little thing that happens to me. "She called Kyle and she's not my mother."

Margo sighs in frustration as she comes to sit down next to me. "When are you going to forgive her? Kyle has so why can't you?"

It doesn't matter if I forgive her or not. She was a crap mother and that just won't change no matter what happens. "I did try to forgive her and she stabbed me in the back. That woman will never ever be my mother and that's the end of it."


Why can't that just be the end of it? I stand up and storm towards her. She doesn't flinch, not even a little bit. "No! I don't want to hear it. And you're not to talk to her behind my back, got it?"



Margo shakes her head with a frown. "Why do you hate her so much? I know she was terrible to you but why can't you just move on?"

Well, the truth is... I never really cared what she did to me. It was never about me, it was about Kyle. It's still about Kyle. He's my little brother, I can't let anything happen to him and that would explain my reasons for being so hard on Imogen. But now I see that she's good for him even though she's irritating. "I'm done talking to you."

"Wyatt," she pleads. "Please."

"Damn, you're annoying. I'm going in the shower."

"I want you sleeping in a guest room," she says quietly. Her arms are folded, head turned away from me, she's looking down.

She's gotten upset with me before but I've never heard her say she wants me in a guest room. I've never slept in one of those rooms and I never thought she would make me. "What?"

"You're angry, Wyatt. You won't talk to your therapist and you won't talk to me so I want you out. You've been grumpy, you've been so rude to me and I honestly don't want to talk be around you right now."

"You've never asked me to sleep in a guest room, Margo." My voice is low and hopefully soft, I don't need to upset her anymore.

"I'm not asking you."


Imogen's POV

"Hey, Imogen it's Dallas. I just wanted to know if you are free - I mean - well I know it's almost Christmas and I'm sure you want to spend time with family but I don't have any family so I'm free at any time. I'm rambling on but, uh, maybe we could meet up some time today? Anyways, I'll talk to you later. B-Bye."

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