Chapter 19

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Tuesday, November 12

Imogen's POV

"I walked right up to that man and said, "Mr. Peters, I'm sorry but I quit" and it felt great."

"Great," Margo murmurs picking up a hideous pink top off the clothing rack.


She snaps out of her daydream and sighs. "I'm sorry, Imogen. I got into an argument with Wyatt two nights ago and he left. I haven't seen him since and I'm worried."

"What was the argument about?" I ask. I know what it was about, Margo was probably yelling at Wyatt for outing Kyle like that and then Wyatt got angry and he left.

"You know what it was about," she says. "I'm surprised you forgave me so soon."

"I don't want to talk about that right now," I tell her. I forgave her because I need my best friend and without her I was lonely and jobless. Since I was jobless I wouldn't be able to pay for apartment so I had to give it up and Margo let me stay with her and Wyatt. And the only reason I know what their argument was about is because I was there and I roughly over heard everything.

"Where do you think he went? I called Kyle to see if he was with him but he's not and he hasn't called or text me and he tends to do things when he's angry and-"

"What do you think he's doing?" I ask. Margo is freaking the freak out right now.Her face is red and her breathing is labored and she looks like she's about to break down.

"Cheating," she whispers. And just as I suspected she bursts into tears right in the middle of Macy's.

I give her a hug only to make her stop crying. "I'm sure he wouldn't do that."

"Oh, Imogen! He's probably in some girl's bed right now," she cries.

"Mommy! Look it's Imogen!"

Oh, great. This is exactly what I need. I let go of Margo and we both see Aiden pulling on Amber hand to get closer to us.

"Hi, Imogen. Good to see you, Margo," Amber says.

Aiden smiles up at me and grabs my hand. "I went to Kyle's house. You weren't there. Where were you?" He asks. "I missed you."

How do I explain to this little boy that his daddy lied to me about who he is? "I-I... Kyle and I-"

"Aiden, what did I tell you about being to damn nosy," Amber says pulling him away from me. Part of me is grateful but she didn't have to talk to him that way.

My attention turns from Aiden to Amber and I gasp. She has a bruise under her eye and a busted lip. Her usual perfectly styled hair is a mess and her clothes look old and raggedy. What the hell happened to her? "What the hell?"

Margo gasps probably just noticing the bruises as well. "Amber, what happened?" she asks.

"Nothing happened," she snaps. "Let's go Aiden." And with that she struts off and leaves Margo and I speechless.

"What do you think that was about?" I ask Margo.

"I don't know but if she's in an abusive relationship or something... Aiden may be in danger and someone probably needs to tell Kyle."


"See, his car isn't in the driveway," Margo complains. I wonder which car Wyatt drives 'cause there's like six cars in the driveway and the driveway is huge just like the house itself. My car is also in the driveway and it looks so out of place.

"Why don't you just call him?" I ask.

"He won't answer his... Imogen, do you hear that?" Margo whispers.

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