Chapter 23

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*The most plain sweater everrrr*

Sunday, November 17

Kyle's POV

"Thanks for the weird small get together, Margo," I say. Margo smiles and shrugs.

"You're welcome. And it sucks that Wyatt just left like that but he'll be back. The gift for you is from both of us," Margo says.

"Why didn't you tell Imogen that it was my birthday?" I ask. She never knows when to close her mouth or when open it.

"I honestly thought she would know."

"Where is Amber?" Jax asks.

"She's probably on her way," I say.

"Where's Imogen?" Margo asks.

I look around for her but I don't see her. I could've sworn she was in the mini movie theater with the rest of us. "I think she went for a shower or something."

"This is where the party is?" That voice. Sadly I know that voice from anywhere.


I look over at Margo with a deadly glare. Did Margo really need to invite Harley? That's the last person I want to see on my birthday. "Why the hell did you invite the devil?" I snap.

Margo frowns. "I didn't invite her, Kyle, I swear. Amber must've told her about it," she says.

Amber and her big mouth. Margo and her big mouth. No one knows how to keep their mouth shut these days. I'm sick of it. Harley sits down next to me. Too close.

"What are you doing here?" I ask. I'm glad no one is really paying attention to our conversation. The lights dim and the movie starts.

"I came to see you on your birthday," she says.

Yeah right. She came here to ruin my birthday. "Harley, I know-"

"I just came to see you and give you a gift. I didn't come here to raise hell. I swear," she assures me. I don't believe her but she might go crazy if I say something about it so I just nod. "Where's you're girlfriend?"

I can here the jealousy in her tone. Good, I hope she's jealous. "I don't know. And you better leave her alone if she does come down here."

I glance at her and I'm able to see her roll her eyes with the light from the movie lighting up her face. "I didn't come here to raise hell, Kyle," she says again.

"Where's Amber?"

"With Aiden, obviously. Me, Marley, and Amber were all hanging out."

Why do all my ex's feel comfortable hanging out together. It's so weird, like what do they talk about? Me, I suppose. I don't think Imogen is going to like this. "Please tell me Marley isn't here."

"She is," Harley says. "I just said-"

"Why don't you just give me my gift and get lost. You're starting to push my buttons here."

I feel her hand start caressing my arm. She leans in so her mouth is basically touching my ear. "What does she have that I don't?" she whispers.

"Get off me," I say. What the hell does she think she's doing? "I don't want you, Harley. I never did."

She licks my ear and that's when I shoot out of my chair. I turn on the stupid lights and everyone groans at the sudden brightness.

"Come on, Kyle," Jax complains.

"Shut up," I say. "I want you out." I point at Harley then I feel someone poking me in my back. I lift up my arm and see Imogen.

"Hey," she says. Her hair is damp but pulled into a bun. She's wearing a simple gray sweater that hangs off her shoulders and black leggings. Damn she always look so cute.

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