Chapter 9

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Tuesday, October 9

"Imogen, some people are here to see you," Kort announces from outside of my office. In walks in Jaxon and Alex and I roll my eyes.

"Jaxon, what the hell are you doing here?" I ask. I thought we made a deal, I feel so betrayed.

"Now, now, shorty, we just came here to buy some car parts," Jaxon says raising his hands in surrender.

"What? I don't sell car parts," I tell her as they both sit down. "Seriously, Jaxon, what do you want?"

"Yeah, Jax, what do you want?" Alex says poking Jaxon in the side with a smirk.

"Listen, shorty-"

"No more parties." I can't go another party ever unless it's birthday party. And even then I don't know if I'll want to go.

"He wants you to attend a dinner at his parent's house. His parents are rich and snotty and they want him to bring a girl to this dinner. If that wasn't the case, he'd bring me as his date," Alex explains smiling towards the end of his explanation. Jaxon slaps his arm groaning a little.

"Not funny," Jaxon grumbles.

"It's kind of funny."

A dinner? I'm tempted to say no right away but I see how nervous Jaxon looks and I hate that. He's supposed to be goofy and fun, not upset and nervous. I don't want to see him like this but then again he's always asking me to do things. "I don't know, Jaxon. How comes you always come to my work place?"

He shrugs in response. "I don't know," he says. "But please, shorty. I'm begging you. We'll go to that stupid restaurant if you want, I promise. Just please... I really need your help with this."

I tap my chin, deep in thought. I guess it's not that big of a deal. "Is Alex going to be there or Wyatt?"

"Yeah, my mom invited them and Kyle too. I don't know if Wyatt is coming but will you go or not? 'Cause if not I've got to go girl shopping."

"Alright, I'll go."

"Boom!" Jaxon yells standing up. Alex does too and they bump chests with loud grunts.

"Okay, okay, be quiet," I whisper yell. "Are you trying to get me fired?"

"Sorry," they whisper together. Suddenly, Mr. Peters walks into my office looking more than pissed off.

"Ms. Johns, what on earth is going on here?" He looks between Jaxon, Alex and me awaiting a response. Were we that loud?

I stand up and walk around my desk so that I'm standing in the middle of all three of them. Jeez, I have to look up at all of them, it really hurts my neck sometimes. "I'm just... with... some clients," I lie.

Mr. Peters suddenly doesn't look so angry anymore and he nods. "Right, well, I'll just leave you to it. Oh, and Ms. Johns."


"Nice outfit," he says winking at me before leaving.

"What the hell?" Alex asks looking disgusted. Nobody has actually heard Mr. Peters being a pervert towards me before except for Mikey and that's only because I tell him.

"That's ridiculous, shorty. You need to quit," Jaxon says looking disgusted as well. I would quit but where else would I work? And I'm not so sure about working for Dan Dollar, it'd be weird since Dan Dollar and Mr. Peters are competing.

"We're not discussing this right now, I need you guys to leave," I say. That was more than embarrassing and I just really want them to leave.


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