Chapter 6

621 26 2

Monday, October 8


"Stop groaning."


"Stop it."



"What?" I ask innocently. Mikey smiles at me sweetly and smacks my leg. His smile turns into a frown as he glares at me. I rub my leg where he just hit me."Ow, what was that for?!"

"I get that you're sick but while I'm watching TV would it possible for you to maybe... hm... I don't know... not groan and moan!"

"My head hurts!" I yell back at him. "And I feel like butt!"

"Well, go groan in your room! I'm trying to watch TV!"


"Don't even start with-"

Before he can finish there's banging at the door. Mikey gets up to answer the door.

"Would you two quit yelling. It's driving me insane," I hear Kyle's annoying voice complain. I get off the couch and walk towards the door.

Kyle looks at me with disgust. I forgot I look like a dried out rabbit with matted hair. "Why don't you go back to your disgusting apartment and be an asshole over there."

"Maybe I want to be an asshole over here," he says crossing his arm at the end.

"Ughh!" I groan when I feel a sneeze coming on. Before anyone can say anything else I let out a big obnoxious sneeze making sure to get all my nasty germs on Kyle.

"Oh my God," Kyle says rubbing at his arms. "That was just sick."

"Yeah, I am sick!"

"Well, that doesn't give you the right to spit all over me!"

"If you two don't stop arguing you'll both be in timeout," Mikey chimes in. We both turn to look at him sitting on the couch.

"You can't put us in timeout," Kyle snaps.

"Okay, Imogen go to your room," Mikey sighs.



"But what about Kyle?" I ask with a sniff.

"Kyle gets to go home."

"Later," Kyle says and leave the apartment closing the door behind him.

"Timeout? Really?" I ask Mikey. He shrugs.

I sneeze.


Being sick actually sucks. I don't usually get sick but when I do it's bad. And Mikey gets to walk around without a headache and snot in my nose. It's really nasty.

I'm sitting in my bed trying to ignore the fact that Mikey put me in timeout. I walk out of my room and Mikey isn't there. He probably left. So I go leave too, i'll go to the store so i'm not stuck in my stupid room all by myself. I need to be around people.

I grab my jacket and head out the door.

Once i'm in the parking lot I try to open my car but the door won't open. Why won't the door open?! I keep yanking the door until my hand actually starts to hurt.

"I think you need keys to open the door."

That voice... that voice will drive me insane. I swear. "I already tried to put my key in the keyhole," I snap turning to face the hideous person who makes my life a living hell.

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