Chapter 27

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Saturday, December 19

Picture of Imogen's outfit

Kyle's POV

"I'm Steven and you must be Kyle."

I can't stop myself from glaring at him. Who the hell does he think he is coming in here with his stupid expensive blazer, stupid shoes, and stupid perfectly styled hair. He doesn't look like a father figure at all. I already hate him and he's only said about seven words.

And who is he to invite us to dinner on a Saturday night? What if I don't want dinner? He even invited Wyatt and Margo. When did he even get to know them.

"Yes, I'm sure you've heard great things. And I have no doubt my son Aiden has told you a lot about me."

He smirks at me looking like he knows something I don't. "No, I don't think Aiden mentioned anything about you but I'm sure he wouldn't've had much to say."

"Well, actually-"

"Kyle, shouldn't we get on the road?" Amber asks before I can say anything I probably won't regret.

"I'll just go upstairs to make sure Imogen is ready," I say keeping my attention on Steven who seems to be asking to get slapped.

I run up the stairs and go into the our room. Imogen is standing in front of our dresser staring into the mirror wearing leggings a weird looking sweater and brown boots. Even though she isn't facing me I can clearly see that something is wrong. "Imogen?"

She turns around to face me and I immediately see the frown on her face. "How do I look?"

"You... you look great," I assure her. And she really does look good even though her outfit is simple she still makes it seem so amazing. "What's the matter?"

She shrugs. "I overheard you and Steven talking downstairs."

I'm not sure where she's going with this but I gesture for her to continue anyways. It can't be that bad. As long as I'm not in trouble. "Okay."

"And you seemed a bit jealous and I just - I'm wondering if you still have feelings for Amber?"

I nearly choke at the word still. I never had feelings for Amber at all and I'm not jealous either. I'm just mad because Steven is trying to take my place as Aiden's dad. "Okay, first of all, I never had feelings for Amber. Ever. Second, don't ever think I would ever in a million years develop feelings for any other girl especially Amber, okay?"

Girls can be so annoying and just a few months ago Imogen was the most annoying girl in the world. But it's different now that she's mine. "Okay."

"Now let's get this over with."


"Steven is working on his own product," Amber gloats. Steven smirks at me and all I want to do is jump over the table and attack him.

"That's great. What is this product you're working on?" Margo asks. She sort of leans into the table like she's genuinely interested in what this guy has to say.

"Stop pouting," Imogen whispers as Steven begins to tell Margo that it's "confidential information" and he can't share it with us.

"I'm not pouting," I argue. I cross my arms over my chest and sink down into my chair. Maybe I am pouting just a bit.

"I've seen some of your paintings around here, Kyle. You're a very talented artist," Steven says.

"Thanks," I say. But I don't need your compliments.

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