Chapter 20

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Tuesday, November 12

Picture of Amber: Brandy

Kyle's POV

"If Amber goes all crazy on me I am not going to be happy," Jaxon complains.

"Yeah," Alex agrees. "Amber is as crazy as they come sometimes."

"You two can leave," I snap. "Wyatt and I can manage just fine." If they're going to stand around and complain the whole time they can leave.

Imogen is waiting in the car with Margo, who wanted to be included, until we figure out if the asshole is home with Amber. If he is Wyatt, Alex, Jaxon and I will make sure he leaves and never bothers her again.

"What's his name again?" Wyatt asks.

"Mark or something, I can't remember," I say.

He sighs and runs a hand down his face. We've been waiting here for maybe an hour now and Amber still hasn't come home, it's tiring. I wish Amber would just stop putting her self in danger and Aiden.

Suddenly we all see Amber pulling up in her driveway. She parks and gets out of the car then pulls Aiden out. Margo and Imogen get out of my car and move closer to me.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" She yanks Aiden behind her and glares. "Get away from my house."

"Amber, are you seeing that Mark guy again?" Imogen was right, she does have bruises and a busted lip. Her hair is a mess and her clothes look old and ratty.

"What's it to you? Why do you care all of a sudden? Last time I checked you wanted nothing to do with me or Aiden," she snaps angrily.

"Where Aiden is concerned... I..." I can't think of what to say. I don't want to admit that I care about Aiden to anyone not even to myself. I'm grateful when Imogen steps forward to help me out.

"Aiden is important to us all so if he's in danger it's a problem," she says. I'm proud of my little tiny guinea pig.

"Yeah, so where is that guy? If he's been here the entire time I'm going to be so mad," Jaxon mutters.

"Get away from my house! You all have no business here!" She's practically screaming now. Aiden looks scared as he grips onto Amber's leg.

"You're just scaring Aiden," I tell her.

"If you would get away from my house Aiden wouldn't need to be scared. Now get away or you'll all be sorry," she warns. Is she seriously threatening us?

My patience is running awfully low. Maybe we should just bust into her house and see where this asshole is. "I won't ask you again. Are you seeing that guy?"

She looks nervous for a moment before she breaks down into tears covering her face. Aiden looks up at his mom with concern.


Imogen and Margo go over to comfort her and tell her everything is going to be alright. Good thing they came with us because if they weren't here she would be standing there crying and we would've just thrown her in the car with Aiden.

Wyatt walks over to me. "You need to think about what's going on here. This guy could be a psycho who has friends, friends that are dangerous. So really think about it."

"You have friends that are dangerous as well," I say. Surely, Wyatt could back me up with his friends so no one has to get hurt.


Imogen's POV

"Aiden do you want to come sit down with me?"

He shakes his head. He's standing by my bedroom door waiting for his mom to return. Kyle had to have a talk with her alone and I volunteered to watch Aiden for a while. He's scared and confused because he doesn't understand what's going on.

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