Chapter 24

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Friday, November 22

Imogen's POV

Kyle is mine. Bitch. Hands off.

Who could be sending me these texts?

I ignore the text but don't delete it and put my phone on the nightstand next to my bed. It's like three o'clock in the morning. A weird time to be sending someone a mysterious text message. As far as I know I don't have any enemies and everyone loves me. What's not to love?

I look over at Kyle and he's actually awake. I hope he didn't notice my mini freak out a few seconds ago.



"Are you awake?"

"No, go back to sleep," he mumbles.

"Why are you awake?" No way am I going back to sleep after receiving that text. Someone is clearly stalking me and it's freaking creepy.

"Go back to sleep, Imogen. We can talk later."


"Wyatt is cheating on me," Margo blurts out.

I look and Kyle to see his reaction and he actually seems surprised. We both knew something was wrong from the moment Margo walked into the kitchen. Usually she's dressed for the day and in a great morning but today she's still wearing her PJ's and she looks... terrible.

"What makes you say that, Margo?" Kyle asks carefully.

Margo shakes her head and sips her coffee. "You know his assistant? Well, he's been sneaking around and making phone calls late at night."

"Are you absolutely sure?" Kyle questions. "Because Wyatt won't like it if you accuse him of this and you're wrong."

I can only imagine how that would go if Margo is wrong and she brought her accusations to Wyatt. I doubt he would take it well. I know I wouldn't take it well.

"What else am I supposed to think? He left early this morning without leaving me a note or saying bye - what does that mean?"

Kyle looks to me and I shrug. We both don't know what to say to her. "Maybe you should talk to Wyatt about it."

"Talk to me about what?"

Margo doesn't even seem the least bit nervous or surprised. As Wyatt walks towards Margo she glares at him. "Where did you go?"

"I had to take care of a few things at Kyle's dumb art gallery," he snaps clearly not liking Margo's suspicious tone.

"Were you with that assistant of yours?"

Kyle and I just stand there and it kind of feels like we're kind of eavesdropping on their argument but let's be honest, it's just starting to get good.

Wyatt scoffs. "Margo, please. I've told you too many times to count that I am not seeing my assistant? Do you want me to fire her? Just because you don't like her?"

"I know you're seeing her! I know you've been calling her! I looked at your recent calls!" she yells. I gasp out loud. I can't say I'd check Kyle's recent calls if I thought he was cheating. I also can't say I wouldn't.

"Get out of my face, Margo. You're so damn annoying. Every time things get busy with my job you think I'm cheating and I'm sick of it. Honestly, if you can't trust me then maybe we shouldn't be married."

Margo gasps. Geez, Wyatt, that was a low blow. I can see even Kyle knows that was a terrible thing to say. "Fine!"

"I can't believe you're doing this. It's so stupid. I'm not cheating on you," Wyatt says. He still hasn't lost his cool yet which is surprising. I thought he'd be yelling just as loud as Margo is yelling.

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