Chapter 8

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Tuesday, October 9

"Does he always throw parties on Tuesday?"

"Who? Jax?" Alex asks as he makes a right turn.


"Not usually, this is actually weird for me as well. He throws parties all the time but never on Tuesday. Catch my drift?" Alex says.


"Don't bug him about it though," Alex says. I wouldn't bug him about it I'm just wondering.

"Is Kyle not invited or something?" It seemed as if he didn't even know about it and I thought Jaxon and Kyle were friends.'

"Kyle doesn't party," Alex says as we pull up in front of a large house that looks something like a mansion. I didn't know Jaxon is rich.

"But he was at that other party that one time." That time Kyle told me that he couldn't stop thinking about me but he was drunk then so I doubt he knew what he was saying.

"That was my first time seeing him at a party, if I'm honest."

We both get out of the car and walk towards the house. I look down at what I'm wearing then look at Alex who is wearing a long sleeved gray shirt. I feel over dressed now, I'll just keep my jacket on the whole party.

"You're not over dressed," I hear Alex say interrupting my thoughts and somehow answering them at the same time. Walking into the house I hear super loud music playing and people talking, everyone's dancing and have a good time. Some people are dressed like it's prom and some are dressed like they didn't have time to get dressed. Suddenly I don't feel so self conscious anymore and I might take my jacket off. It depends on what Jaxon says to me when I see him.

"Stay by the drinks and don't talk to anyone, I'm going to find Jax," Alex says to me slightly yelling because of the loud music. I just nod as he walks away into the crowd of people.

I look over the three humongous bowls of what looks like punch, I pray that it's not alcohol. I decide to pour myself a cup, maybe it will calm my nerves. I use the weird looking spoon thing and pour some into one of the red solo cups. I take a sip and find myself pouring another cup, I greedily gulp that down and move to take the spoon for another cup when I feel someone hand grab my wrist.

"Thirsty are we?" I know that annoying voice anywhere. Kyle.

"What are you doing here?" I ask.

He shrugs and lets go of my wrist shoving his hands in his pockets. He's wearing jeans and a black t-shirt. What is it with boys? Do they never get cold? "It's a party, everyone and anyone is invited."

"Alex told me you don't like to party," I say.

He shrugs again taking a step closer to me. I fight the urge to take a giant step back, he's way too close for my liking. "I don't but I thought I'd come out and join the fun," he says. I can't tell if he's being sarcastic or serious because his face holds no emotions at all.

"Are you being serious?"

"Yes, I really have nothing better to do and... I mean, I have tons of things to do and they can wait until tomorrow."

He's acting really weird and it's starting to creep me out. I take a step away from him and run away as fast as I can. Talking to him like that is just really unusual, I like it better when we're arguing and yelling at each other.

I keep running until I bump into someone's hard chest. "Whoa, there - wait. Shorty? It's good to see you! You look..."


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