Chapter 31

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*this is Imogen's outfit minus the cat ears obviously*

*Imogen's hair was that light brown color and it was short so she changed it to dark brown and she got extensions*


Wednesday, December 23

Wyatt's POV

"Dinner went well." Margo is rushing around our room packing a small bag, apparently she's leaving me. I don't really want her to leave but my pride just wouldn't let me tell her to stay.

"Yes, it went so well. Lets see, my husband shows up not only late but drunk, your mom verbally attacks Imogen and Kyle tries to strangle her to death. It went so damn well," she snaps.

"Margo, I-"

"I'm so angry with you!"

"It's not my fault Kyle tried to kill her," I say. I did try to stop him but I was too drunk to actually get a good grip on him. Well, maybe I could've done a better job of actually trying but hey.

"You should not have been drinking, Wyatt. Alcohol does not solve any problems."

I know I'll be saying the same thing in the morning. "Are you actually leaving me?"

She glares at me and drops the bag on the floor. "You are the one who asked me to leave.You don't need me."

"You should know by now that that won't last one day."

"I'm going to spend a few nights somewhere else tonight," she says quietly.

This is all my fault. I shouldn't have drank before dinner and I shouldn't have told her I wanted her to leave. "Where are you going?"

"I'm not telling you."

That's stupid because I'll figure out where she is no matter what. "I'll find you."

"I know. And I'm not hiding from you."



Kyle's POV

"I'm sorry my mom said that to you, Imogen. That was her last chance to prove herself and that just - I'm so sorry." That's all I could say after that disastrous dinner. Imogen and I immediately went into our room after I tried to attack that terrible woman. I thought she'd at least make an effort to be decent since she desperately wanted to "see her boys" but she failed once again.

I'm not even that surprised, I'm just tired of it now.

"These things happen," Imogen sighs.

I wrap my arms around her and kiss the top of her head. "They shouldn't, Imogen. That woman is dead to me."

Imogen pulls away from me and sighs. "Kyle, I don't think you should be saying such things about her. I know you don't like her but she's your mother. I don't like to talk about my mother but I would do anything to just see her again and hearing you..." she pauses. "I get jealous sometimes."

I never even took that thought into consideration. I knew Imogen's mom is no where to be found but I didn't think Imogen would be bothered by my relationship with my mother. I honestly envy Imogen sometimes, she doesn't have to worry about anything related to her mom. "I don't know what else to say except I'm sorry. I'm sorry about everything. I'm sorry you had to see Wyatt the way you did, I'm sorry my mother said what she did, and I'm sorry I can't be a normal boyfriend without these dumb problems. You're better off without me."

She takes my hands into her smaller hands making me look her in her eyes. "I'm not better off without you, Kyle. We are perfect together, you and I both know that."

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