Chapter 18

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Sunday, November 10

Kyle's POV

"I've asked you several questions now and you're sat there staring into space."

I've been thinking about my little tiny guinea pig who's at home right now where I should be but no I have go to stupid therapy because I'm so freaking messed up in the head. "I'm thinking."

"And, see, there's nothing wrong with thinking but the point of therapy is for you to actually tell me what you're thinking about."

"I'm thinking about Imogen.

"Things are going good, I assume?"

"Yeah, I guess. We actually got into a little fight."


"Imogen's best friend, Mikey, aka Miley, was leaving for college and I got an anonymous text saying that Mikey asked her to go with him and I lost it. Mikey is so much better than me and I... I couldn't stand the idea of her leaving me to go to New York."

"You thought she would say yes and just up and leave?"

"Yes, I thought that. Are we done here? I really want to see her."

"Kyle, I think you are entering a very serious part of your relationship. I think-"

"I really need to leave," I say. I can't stand it when he starts running his mouth about stuff that he thinks.

"Okay but you-"

I stand up. "Later, Joe."


Imogen's POV

"Wyatt called and said he's coming home today! And he said he brought me something! And I'm so excited!" Margo exclaimed. We're sitting in Kyle's kitchen drinking coffee. Well she is.

"I'm happy for you," I say honestly. "What do you think he got you?"

"I don't know. When he gets me things he never actually hands them to me. He'll leave something on the kitchen table before he goes to work or he'll put a couple new dresses into my closet."

That sounds so amazing. I'd love for someone to spoil me like that. "That's so romantic in a very Wyatt like way."

"I know." Margo sips her coffee as Kyle walks into the kitchen. He immediately comes and kisses me on the lips.

"What was that for?" I ask. He doesn't just kiss me like that especially in front of Margo.

"I really missed you. My therapist gets on my nerves."

"Do you see the same therapist as Wyatt?" Margo asks.

Kyle nods. "Yeah," he replies taking Margo's cup from him and taking a sip.

"He always complains as well," Margo murmurs snatching the cup back with a glare.

"If I find him annoying, Wyatt finds him twice as annoying," he says.

Margo shrugs. "He finds everything annoying."

I feel kind of left out of the conversation. "Well, I'm just going to go."

"Whoa, what's wrong?" Kyle asks. He follows me into the living area.

"I just kind of wish I knew more about you," I admit.

"What do you want to know?" He seems a little uncomfortable and I hate the way me asking makes him feel but if we're going to be in a relationship I'd like to know more about him.

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