Inception of a fresh odyssey

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"Ultimate horror often paralyses memory in a merciful way." ― H.P. Lovecraft, .


Waiting to hear if your loved one is okay can be a grueling experience that tests your patience and emotional strength. The unknown outcome left you feeling scared. Time passes like molasses, each second dragging on painfully. The sensation felt like being repeatedly jabbed with tiny needles all over your body.

The hospital's bright fluorescent lights and stark white walls induced feelings of unease and helplessness in Kinn, as he feared the worst.

It was heart-rending to witness his mental breakdown. Tay, Big, and Vegas tried to calm him down, but the overwhelming situation was too much for him. His world was falling apart in front of him. The sight of the burned car was the only thing that registered in his mind. He collapsed onto the ground, feeling defeated and powerless as he held his head in silence. He closed his eyes and whispered a prayer, hoping that Porsche would stay strong and pull through.

Kinn anxiously stares at the door, waiting for a glimpse of someone to tell him that everything is alright with his love. He couldn't bear the thought of losing his husband, and the guilt of not being able to protect him was crippling. He can't help but feel responsible for letting him leave.

The door of the operating room entrance finally opened after what felt like an eternity. In an instant, Kinn's eyes snapped open, and he leapt to his feet.

" husband," Kinn's voice trembled as he struggled to get the words out.

Kinn's eyes pleaded with the surgeon, silently begging for reassurance. His hand trembled with anticipation as he waited for a response.

"He is out of danger for now, but we have to keep monitoring him......"

"What you mean for now? What happened to him?" Kinn yelled.

Vegas and Tay try to calm him down, but Kinn can't stop his mind from racing with all the possible worst-case scenarios.

Porsche suffered from severe blood loss and internal organ and brain injuries.The fact that Porsche survived the accident was a miracle. The doctor couldn't say when he would wake up. For the time being, he will be placed in the ICU and undergo continuous monitoring.

Currently, the doctor has prohibited any visits, but later he said he could see him briefly. Kinn's hands shook with fury as he battled the desire to punch the doctor on the spot. He just want to see his husband and makes sure he is still breathing.

After waiting for so long, he was able to see his husband. His heart sank as he saw his husband hooked up to various machines and monitors in the ICU. He slowly walks to him and tried to hold his hand, but he couldn't as he broken down in tears. He just stand there watching him not being able to say anything. He leaned down and kissed his forehead.

"What are you doing here, love? Comeback to me, please. Don't scare me like this. Don't... please...don't do this....please, " kinn cried. He hesitated to leave the room, fearing he may never see him again. "I'm sorry...I'm sorry. You just got it all wrong, love. Wake up, please,"

Kinn had hardly been there for a few minutes before being instructed to leave. He pressed his hands to his lips and kissed them. He left the room, and the weight of the day hit him like a ton of bricks, causing him to flop down on the floor.

Tay brought him a steaming cup of coffee, and settled down beside him.

"Here..." Tay said as he handed him the drink.

Kinn refused. With his love lying on the bed like that, how could he even drink anything.

For a period of time, they sit in silence. Vegas and Big have been making calls to find out what caused the accident and who is responsible. Big has suspicions, but he's waiting for confirmation before expressing them. Impulsive speaking was never a wise choice, and he wasn't certain if Vegas would rely on him without concrete proof. After all, it was an attempted murder. Still, the sight of Kim has greatly troubled him. He couldn't talk to Kinn as the timing wasn't suitable.

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