Tiger vs Gai/ Saving A Friend

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We started at Xander at his room where he repeatedly punching the wall in anger after what happened yesterday. He can't believe that their former friend would do this to him and Yuuya. A picture of Rocky was sticking at the wall.

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Xander: [angrily] yurusenai! Yurusenai! "He said as he keeps punching the wall of his room until someone knocked at his door." Who is it? "He asked as he opened the door and it was Amity who is knocking."

Amity: hi onii-chan. "She said when she noticed Xander's fist were bleeding." Oh my titans! What happened?! [Noticed the wall full of blood stains] did you..... do that?

Xander: [emotionless] yes.

Amity: [covers mouth] b-but why?!

Xander: [emotionless] just..... leave me alone.

Amity: but-

Xander: [angrily] NOW!

After what he just did. Amity runs back to her room crying. Xander suddenly realized what he did a he fell onto his knees as he looks down in sorrow.

Xander: [sad] what have I done? "He said to himself until he received a message from his scroll. It was Yuuya."

Yuuya's Message: bro, meet me at the park.

After he reads it. He quickly changed his clothes and leaves.

Yuuya POV.

I was waiting for Xander patiently as I still remembering about what I saw at Rocky's back yesterday. It looks so weird that I can't lay my finger on it.

Xander: yo, Yuuya! "He said as he sits next to me." So what is it?

Yuuya: oh you're here. "I said when I noticed his fist was covered with bandages." Uhh.... what happened to your hand?

Xander: [Lying] oh this? I just accidentally cut my hand. Hehe. "He said nervously but I didn't believe him." [Sigh] fine! I punched my room's wall. And what's even worse?! I just made my sister cry!

Yuuya: [sigh] just why?

Xander: [angrily] I can't believe that Rocky was the kamen rider Gai all along! And not only that! He also mentioned my former father! "He said before covering his face with both of his hands as he starts whimpering."

I patted my friend's back to cheer him up as I told him the reason why I called him.

Yuuya: hey bro. I think that Rocky was being..... I don't know.... possessed?

Xander: [shocked] Wait what?!

Yuuya: I just noticed the way he acts, moves and attitude.


While Xander was punching Rocky. I noticed Rocky's ears became pointy. I also noticed that his legs were shaking like he looks scared or worried.

Then when I dragged Xander outside the room. I heard him saying "pathetic" until I heard him again and I was when he said "forgive me, guys". I knew that something's wrong with him.

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