ZOTBI As Vines 2

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"Yuuya can't make Eda Do anything."

Eda and Yuuya were at the store as we see Eda at the Screen, Carrying a bottle of Apple Blood until...

Yuuya: [Offscreen] Mom, put that Apple Blood back.

Eda: You can't make me do anything~ "She said as she lay on the ground and slithered back like a snake.

"How it feels like while Playing Ping pong vs How it actually looks."

We see Xander and Yuuya at the basement of the Owl house as they played ping pong.

In their mind, they've look like they're in anime. But in reality, they're playing normally...

"Bubble Talking."

We see Yuuya and Xander as they're far from each other. Yuuya whispered something in the bubbles until it flies towards Xander. Xander then whispered loudly at his bubbles at flew at Yuuya. And when it popped.

Xander: [through the Bubbles] WHAT'S UP, YUUYA, HOW ARE YOU DOING WITH LUZ AND MY SISTER?! "He yells at Yuuya through the bubbles."

"Don't fall asleep in magic class."

At Hexside, inside the room, we see Yuuya sleeping at the class as the teacher creates a fire, impressing everyone, until...

Luz: Hey, what's that smell? "She asked when she and Amity smelled something burning."

It turns out that Yuuya was caught on fire as he started panicking and running through the hallway.

"Respect the Pouch."

We see Yuuya and Hunter at the park, drinking some Apple Blood pouch as Hunter threw the Pouch away.

Yuuya: [mad] respect the Pouch, bro.

Hunter: that's Apple Blood, Zolda. "He said until Yuuya snapped his fingers as Xander, Rocky, Luz and Amity appears behind them."

The four then start beating Hunter up while Yuuya just watch.

"No one's Answering"

Teacher: no one's Answering, I guess I have to call someone.

Yuuya: [panicked] Get Down! "He exclaimed as all the student hides under the desk except for skara."

Teacher: [to skara] you?

Skara: [nervous] 42?

Teacher: Wrong! "She exclaimed as Skara passed out."

Xander: They've got Skara!

(A/N: and that's all, I hope y'all enjoy this mini chapter. Ciao)

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