5. Kinky

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(Also guys excuse the first ping, my wattpad glitched and updated the chapter while I was writing it 😭😭)

"He's such a jerk! I wish he accidentally mixes wrong chemicals and gets a black eye!" Joshua moved his brush harshly on the canvas, Minghao was worried. About Joshua? No. About his canvas being ripped into pieces by him? Yes.

"Joshua, calm down. It's five in the morning. We have classes in four hours, let's get some sleep." Minghao mumbling carefully not to agitate the already fuming boy.

"No. You can sleep. I'm not sleepy, I'll just complete your assignment." He put the brush down, gathering some paint on the palette to smother his finger with.

"Are you using your fingers?"

"Yes. But not on your assignment, don't worry." Joshua grabbed his sketchbook from the table.

"I'll treat you for lunch tomorrow." Minghao was grateful for his friend, he was in real crisis at the moment with his art block and on the verge of getting a 'F' for his assignment. He didn't know what he'd do if he didn't have Joshua.

"You bet you will." Joshua sighed, he needed to wait for the colors to dry a little before going in for details. The assignment wasn't due till Monday but he still needed to get his mind off stuff so he stayed up working on it.

"What are you painting?" Minghao eyed the sketchbook in Joshua's hand. Joshua never let anyone see it except for certain pieces.

"I don't know. Probably paint my anger away." He sketched an outline with his pencil and Minghao admired the fast marking. He always pestered Joshua to take up art, Like come on, have you seen his art? It's amazing. The paintings, the sketches? They were absolutely amazing.

"Okay." That was the best option. If joshua didn't take it out on the paper, his friends would have to deal with a very cranky and whiny Joshua the whole day.

Before they knew it, it was already 9 am and they were rushing to get to their classes. Minghao had literature and Joshua had calculus.

"Meet you at eleven?" The red head asked, as they walked through the hallway.

"Yeah." Joshua looked at his watch. His class starts in 15 minutes. They nodded at each other and went their own ways.

Joshua wished he didn't decide to go meet Professor Chwe till his class started because there in his cabin was a certain maroon head, busy reading a book. He was about to turn around and make a run for it only for his name to be called out.

"Joshua! Don't you have class right now?" It was Professor Chwe. The cherry voice made Joshua smile.

"It's in fifteen minutes." Joshua shrugged. He walked in closer, ignoring the burning gaze on him.

"Hansol, didn't you say he wasn't irresponsible."

Joshua closed his eyes at the taunting voice. Oh, how he wished to punch that pretty little face.

"He isn't. He still has fifteen minutes so it's alright."

Joshua was grateful for Professor Chwe. He always took his side and supported him through everything. He wished the jerk head was a little more like him.

"Besides, Joshua is an outstanding student! He managed to get all the questions right in mechanics the first term!" Professor Chwe exclaimed. A bright smile adorning his features as he pat the peach blond's head, ruffling his hair a little.

"He couldn't even find a simple compound in my class."

Joshua's smile was almost immediately replaced by a scowl.

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