21. Armani

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"I know." Joshua whispered, his breath staggering with every feathered touch.

The professor hummed, looking back in his eyes, emotions as always– unreadable.

"Good job." The professor pat his head softly, tangling his fingers slightly with the hair before pulling away, "for the assignment."

Jeonghan backed away, turning away to walk past the blond, to his seat. Joshua stood there stunned as light pink dusted his cheeks. An unnamed emotion swirling through his chest. Feeling all warm and fuzzy inside, Joshua looked away. Stumbling back he walked away from the desk, turning on his heels to leave the room.

As soon as he was out of the glass door, shielded away from the maroon head, he slumped his back to the wall, his hand clutching at his chest softly.

What was he feeling?

Why did those simple words make him feel so good? So proud of himself? As if he had gained something important when it was only a mere pat by the professor and a faint 'good job'. But that was enough to make Joshua weak in the knees, feeling accomplished.

"I have something for you." Joshua turned around to face the red head who flaunted four pieces of paper against his face.

"What?" Joshua asked, glancing back at his physics assignment. 

"These, my friend, are VIP passes to the one and only Hazen." Minghao placed the passes on the table with a proud grin.

"Damn, good for you." Joshua mumbled, typing away in his laptop.

"Good for m-, Boy! all of us are going." Minghao huffed, crossing his arms.

"Can't. Plus it's a week night."

"Can. And does it really matter? It's not like we're gonna do it everyday." Minghao glanced at the brunette walking up to their table.

"I don't really feel like it, Hao." Joshua looked up from his assignment, "Hey, Cheol." 

"Hi there." Seungcheol pulled out the chair next to Joshua, taking a seat before leaning forward and dropping his head on Joshua's arm.

"Cheol, tell Mr. goody-two-shoes here, to come tonight." Minghao grumbled, watching the pair with soft eyes.

"Let him be if he doesn't want to go," Seungcheol picked his head up, placing his hand on the blond's cheek, "He must be tired."

Minghao eyed between the two, who were too occupied in their own world to pay heed to him. Whatever was happening shouldn't be happening. Now don't get Minghao wrong, he is only trying to look out for both his friends. He could clearly read Joshua's feelings, for a certain maroon head and also read Seungcheol's feelings, for his  best friend who was too dense to notice it. He can't let either of them end up hurt and in this case Seungcheol was the one who might end up with that part. And that wasn't fair to him. Minghao did think about talking the brunette out of his feelings however, he realized he was a little too late. Seungcheol wasn't just infatuated at that point, he was way too deep in it to surface away from his feelings. It was of no use talking to him about it. 

"If Seungcheol goes then I'll go." Joshua shrugged, going back to his typing.

"He is going." Minghao narrowed his eyes at the brunette chuckling awkwardly. 

"Well you see-"

"If you dare say you can't make it, I'll find you, pull your tongue out and tie it around your neck like a fucking choker." Minghao threatened, eyes seeming to blaze darker as he tilted his head lower.

"I-" Seungcheol's mouth went slack, eyes bulging out at the threat. He felt terror occupy his brain when the male hissed at him without blinking. "I'll make it." He smiled, trying to hide his horror away.

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