8. Hot

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Joshua slammed his bag on the table startling the three occupants of the table. None of them dared to speak, quietly looking over at each other with wide eyes.

Joshua glared at the pamphlet of the science showcase placed on the table, probably Wonwoo's. The cover irritating him to the core. He snatched the paper off the table, scrunching it up till it almost tore up, muttering incoherent words at nothing in particular and the three stayed silent, observing the fuming peach blond.

"Stupid Professor Yoon Jeonghan! What does he think of himself!? How dare he accuse me of something so low!? That intolerable ass waffle!" He threw the paper back on the table.

"What's an intolerable ass waffle?" Seungcheol whispered to Minghao.

"Dude, shut up before he kills us." Minghao whispers back, immediately shutting up when a glare is thrown at him.

Wonwoo picked up the crumpled paper, smoothing the surface. That's when he realised why the paper was crumpled. The Professors' names were printed on top, the ones who were going to be the supervisors and right below 'Professor Chwe Hansol' was the one and only 'Professor Yoon Jeonghan'.

"Joshua, how about some ice cream?" Minghao finally said something after staying silent for about fifteen minutes. Joshua seemed to like the idea as he softened his gaze a little.

"Ice cream at this time? It's almost Lunc–" Wonwoo shivered at the narrowed eyes staring into his soul.

"I'll get you your favourite. Stay here." Minghao got up, pulling a whining Wonwoo with him.

Seungcheol followed them with his eyes as Minghao seemed to be scolding a not really fazed Wonwoo out of the door.

"So," Seungcheol fiddled with his fingers before glancing at the now pouting peach blond. "You know, I broke my finger last week."

He looked up to check the other's reaction and to his glee he did grab the blond's attention.

"On the other hand, I'm okay." He gazed back up at the younger.

Joshua's lip twitched before tugging up into a small smile and soon soft giggles left his mouth.

"That was so lame." Joshua said in between his fits of laughter. Seungcheol cracked a smile at the giggling blond that turned into a full grin.

"At least that got you to smile. It was worth it."

"Why are you so sweet?" Joshua shook his head, the smile still present on his lips. He leaned forward and ruffled the brunette's hair, leaning back into his seat soon after.

Seungcheol felt the tip of his ears warm up and soon enough his cheeks did too. The redness softly grazing his cheeks.

"Oh my god, you're just adorable!" Joshua leaned his face on his palm that was placed on the table, smiling widely at the brunette.

"Not more than you." Seungcheol followed his actions, placing his face on his own palm.

The two facing each other with wide smiles and adoring looks, anyone would mistake them to be more than friends. And that's exactly what a certain maroon haired professor did too.

"Hansol, does Joshua have a boyfriend?"

That question had Professor Chwe choking on his sandwich and a few weird looks to be thrown towards them from the people on the other tables. The Professors had a break so they decided to grab lunch.

Jeonghan handed over the glass of water to Hansol who chugged it down a little too quick.

"What kind of question is that?" He said with a hoarse voice as gulped the remaining water from the glass.

Professor YoonWhere stories live. Discover now