7. Manipulate

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"What if he realised his mistake and is now trying to make it right?" Minghao tried to reason. He hated how his best friend was sulking because of a moody maroon head.

"Realised his mistake my ass," Joshua brought his hands on the table, locking them on his books. "There has to be something going on in his evil mind."

"Don't be dramatic, Joshua." Wonwoo pushed his glasses higher up his nose as he pulled down the book he was reading.

"I'm not being dramatic! You should've seen the look in his eyes!" He flailed.

"What was the look in his eyes?" Seungcheol was the one asking on everyone's behalf.

"I don't know," he shrugged. "That weird firm and harsh look with an evil glint." He narrowed his eyes at nothing in particular.

"You're overthinking it." Minghao shook his head.

"I'm not! I swear he's got to have something going on!" Joshua sighed, looking through his bag for the assignment paper.

"Joshua, he looks at everyone like that!" Seungcheol sighed as well. He rubbed his brows with his fingers, Joshua was being too paranoid.

"Wait. Did you see my assignment paper." He pulled out all the contents from his bag. Checking it inside out.

"The chemistry one? No." Seungcheol looked through his bag as well, just to be sure he didn't have it.

"I can't find it!" He panicked. Joshua can't lose that paper. He would've just asked Seungcheol to give him his and he could've copied the contents but unfortunately every student had a different compound. He doesn't even remember putting it in his bag.

"Shit!" He rarely curse but it has been happening a lot lately because of a certain professor. Joshua looks at Seungcheol who was already looking at him with wide eyes. He knew how bad this could be as well.

"Why does this keep happening to me!" Joshua was about to start crying. His life just has to be shit right now. Nothing is going his way since he started failing calculus.

"Hey, it's fine! It must still be in the lecture hall, we can go look for it. Come on!" Seungcheol was already up, pulling him as well. Seeing him almost crying had the brown haired boy panicking.

Minghao and Wonwoo exchanged worried looks as they looked over at the duo rushing out the entrance. Minghao was scared for his best friend, what if the professor fails him now?

"It must still be in the lecture hall, right?"

Seungcheol didn't know how to answer him. He looked at him with such hopeful eyes that he just couldn't lie but he couldn't break his heart either.

"You'll be fine." He chose to console him.

Joshua nodded, he knew the brunette wasn't sure either but he was trying his best for him so he offered him a small smile which was returned with a comforting one.

"I'll look at the back." Joshua rushed towards the last row, thoroughly looking through each row. Seungcheol doing the same from the front.

Fifteen minutes of searching every corner of the room and they ended up with nothing with disheveled hair and clothes with panting bodies. Joshua looked like he was about to break down and that made Seungcheol want to flip the whole institution around just to find that piece of paper.

"Hey, you can have mine. I'll tell Professor Yoon that I lost mine." He ruffled through his bag to look for his own assignment paper.

"No. Don't do that, I don't want you to be in trouble as well. He likes you, I don't want him to treat you like he treats me," Joshua smiled at the boy through his almost teary eyes. "But that's so sweet of you. You're such a nice guy, Seungcheol."

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