19. Ripple

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"Are you drunk?"

"No, what?"

Jeonghan sighed, pushing the boy's arms away from his shoulders.

"Joshua, you don't seem too good."

The professor turned around, walking back to his seat.

"So you're denying it? Really?" Joshua scoffed, "so was I the one being delusional? What about the things you did? Do you think they imply anything but you wanting me?"

"Joshua, we're in the college grounds. Talking about anything other than something about your education is irrelevant."

"Right. So you're running away now." Joshua held onto the bag's strap tighter. His knuckles turning white.

"I'm not running away." Jeonghan stood up with his books in his arms and the lab coat left on the desk. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I have another lecture to attend."

Jeonghan pushed past the boy, leaving him alone in the lab.

What did just happen?

Joshua had no fucking clue. Did he really just say 'you want me' ? If so then he's out of his damned mind. That's his professor for god's sake! How can he just say stuff like that in front of him?

But at this point does he even care about it? Probably. Probably not. Who knows? No one. Not even Joshua, he's pretty dumb for that.

Joshua could only pray his professor didn't take for a delusional kid. Well, was that wrong? Maybe...

"Look, I would love to accompany you but I have to attend this meeting. I've avoided it four times if I do it one more time they'll probably drop me." Minghao sighed, packing his brushes.

"That's fine. I'll take Seungcheol." Joshua smiled remembering the brunette.

"He's with his family. Remember?" Minghao felt bad for letting down his best friend but he had no choice.

"Oh," Joshua blinked, his mind racing with thoughts, "right. I'll just go alone then. That's fine."

"You don't have to. We can go tomorrow." Minghao suggested.

"But today's the last day." Joshua pouted. He really wanted to go.

"Then we can't help it. We can go the next time." Minghao pat his shoulder.

"That's fine. I'll go alone." Joshua smiled. He's not a kid he can go alone to a symphony concert.

"You sure?"

"Yeah." Joshua smiled.

They walked out of the art studio with Minghao leaving for his next lecture while Joshua walked to the dorms. He finished all his lectures for the day and had enough time to spare before the concert.

Maybe this would work as a good break from all the things happening around him. Might as well have fun tonight.

By six in the evening, Joshua was all ready and up to go. He completed his chemistry assignment staying up the last night just so he can go to the concert tonight but did he regret it? Nah. He can have fun tonight and hand in the assignment to that jerk on time.

He didn't really deem it important to wear something too formal for the occasion so he settled with a cream silk shirt with golden patterns splattered on its sides and brown pants. Picking up simple dangly earrings and thin rings adorning his fingers. He had ruffled his hair in place.

Taking one last look in the mirror and being satisfied with his look he left his dorm.

A bus ride later he was standing at the venue surrounded by a whole lot of people and that's when he found out there was an art gallery right next to it. The show would end around eight so he would have enough time to explore the gallery after it.

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