10. Unprofessional

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"What do you mean?" Joshua gulped, staring back into his unreadable eyes.

Jeonghan brushed off the paint smeared on his cheek. Caressing his thumb pads over the spot a few more times before letting his fingers trace down his face.

"Don't dwell on that." He pulled his hand away, brushing his fingers on the rough cloth.

Joshua eyed his movement, not knowing what to say.

"Stay after class today." Jeonghan announced before walking out of the room, leaving Joshua frozen in his spot. Brushing past his shoulder.

What happened to the usual Joshua? Why didn't he say something back? No biting back? Joshua was left speechless and he had to admit it even if he didn't want to.

"Damn. Are you close with Professor Yoon?" Joshua turned his face towards the voice. And there stood the no name guy clutching onto a canvas. He probably came back to put it in the back.

"No, he just likes tormenting me." Joshua shrugged as the guy let out a small chuckle, walking off to the back with his canvas.

"Of course, as expected by Professor Yoon." The guy said from the back of the room, behind the seperator.

Joshua packed up his bag, Getting ready to leave.

"Um, excuse me." Joshua turned towards the door, a boy with fluffy brown hair stood there, looking around the room with nervous eyes.


"Did you see a guy with tons of tattoos here? He's an art major." He asked with a tilt of his head. The hair flopping around at his movement.

"Oh. He's at the back of the room putting away his canvas." Joshua smiled at the timid boy who seemed to have calmed a little at the gesture.

"Thank you so much." He was about to rush to the back but halted in his steps when the boy he was looking for walked out, brushing his hair back with his hand.

"Jeongguk," the brown haired boy smiled shyly at the guy. "Hi."

"Hey." Jeongguk grinned at the boy, stepping forward to lessen the distance between the two.

Joshua could tell just by the look of it. Both of them liked each other. But seemed like they were too shy to work on it. So he decided to leave them alone and give them some privacy.

The previous incident long forgotten, he smiled to himself at the thought of the two acting on their feelings. He squealed at the image of them together.

Joshua looked through the cafeteria looking for his friends, which was easy considering Minghao's hair color stood out a lot.

"Shua!" Wonwoo looked unusually excited to see Joshua.

"Hey, guys." The peach blond head took a seat next to Wonwoo, across Minghao.

"Why are you so happy?" He asked Wonwoo, taking a bite from the fruit bowl Minghao handed him.

"He got himself a date." Minghao answered for him.

Joshua turned to look at the blushing boy. He almost melted in his seat.

"It's not a date! We're just hanging out." Wonwoo retorted, his eyes sparkling with excitement even through the blush on his face.

"Alone, in a coffee shop. Sounds like a date to me." Minghao shrugged.

"Shush! Anyways, What took you so long?" Wonwoo turned his attention to Joshua.

"I forgot about the time." It was partly true, he just didn't tell them about his encounter with professor Yoon. Why? Don't know.

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