11. Serenity

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"Hao, I'm not sure. Do we even know this guy?" Joshua did manage to hide the blush taking over his face. He wasn't used to people having a crush on him. This might as well be the first time someone had a crush on him that he knew about.

"Yes we do. Well, I and Wonwoo do. He's a nice guy. A little younger than us but still a great guy." Minghao walked with him to the art studio.

"But what if he ends up disappointed or upset because I don't think I'll be able to reciprocate his feelings." Joshua fumbled with his bag strap.

"You don't even know him. What if you end up liking him and then you'd want to date him too?"

"I don't know if this is a good idea, Hao."

The walked into the art studio, going straight to the window side aisles. The guy he met last time was there too. Jeongguk was so immersed in his canvas that he didn't notice the two boys walking in. Joshua had picked the aisle next to the guy so now he could get the perfect view of his canvas. But he didn't. He knew artists and he himself was one, he knew they didn't like people looking at their art without their permission because some might be too personal. Only for their eyes to see. So he didn't dare peek into the canvas.

"Hey." Jeongguk looked up from his canvas to greet the boy he finally took notice of when he dipped his brush in the pallete.

"Hi, how are you." Joshua smiled, placing his bag on the table behind them as Minghao went to the back, probably to grab one of his old art pieces that needed more perfection.

"Tired. Assignments just keep on piling." He sighed, swiftly flicking his wrist to move the brush on the canvas.

"Same. Can't seem to catch a break."

Jeongguk hummed in agreement, getting closer to the canvas for details.

"You know Jeongguk?" Minghao placed his unfinished canvas on the aisle, fixing it to his comfort.

"Yeah. We talked last time."

"Damn. He never engages in conversations with us." They talked as if the guy wasn't right next to them.

"He finds me easier to talk to than you guys. Bunch of hyenas I swear."

"We're not hyenas!" Minghao looked offended.

"Actually, you guys are somewhat similar." They turned their heads to the boy emersed in his canvas who didn't look their way.

"I'm offended, Jeongguk!"

"I don't think he cares."

Joshua winced at the smack placed on his head. Jeongguk just chuckled at their childish behaviour, shaking his head.

The day went by in a whim and Joshua didn't even realise when he was seated in the cafeteria waiting for the 'someone' who has a crush on him.

"Why do you seem nervous?" Wonwoo asked the jittery boy, looking around at the table and stopping at a certain sulking brunette.

"I'm not." Joshua looked away from the door to eye his friend.

"Sure." Seungcheol scoffed, leaning back in his seat, eyes avoiding the confused gaze.

"What's up with you, Cheol?"

"Nothing. I'll see you guys later. I have to talk to Professor Yoon about the assignment." Seungcheol stood up from his seat, not wanting to get any more worked up about the whole situation. He needed to get out of there and what better than doing some assignment work?

"Stupid crush! Stupid breakfast! Stupid assignment!" Seungcheol mumbled all the way to the professor's cabin not caring about the weird looks thrown his way. "I don't even care! He can join for breakfast lunch and dinner for all I care. He doesn't even know Joshua to have a crush on him! Is he a stalker?"

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